Cole notices how bad his Point-of-view is with his parents and how it changes with his mom but not his dad, and how it changes on the island and with Peter. In the first place, Coles
In the novel Touching Spirit Bear, troubled protagonist Cole Matthews has severely injured another boy. Instead of being taken into custody, he is given a second chance, and sent to a remote island. The program responsible for this alternate adhesion of justice, Circle Justice, is something that helps kids everywhere escape a life of crime, and become functioning adults. The arrogant teen takes full advantage of his luck, and manages to get himself into a deadly situation. Now, it is up to officials to decide whether he should return to the island, or carry out the rest of his sentence in prison.
Wait, I think I'm going too far and putting my life here, so now Cole is banished to an island and mauled by the Spirit Bear. And I honestly think that Cole deserved it, because it changed him to become better and not worse, and he has found meaning in life and has changed for the better. And I think Cole will be able to change, because after he has touched the Spirit Bear, he feels trusted and he trusts the Spirit Bear in return, and he finally views the world as beautiful unlike before. Lastly, I think after Cole returns from his banishment, the people in circle justice will want him to undergo normal justice, and then Cole does some crazy things to prove that he has changed, for example pushing a rock up and down a hill. So in summary, I think Cole is broken, Cole
Of course, Cole did not take this seriously, so he let his anger in control and burned down his only shelter with food, and everything he needed to supply him on the island. His wild laughter had mocked the world, and everyone he had ever known. He thought of every time his dad has beaten him, and every time his mom never cared. But now Cole was on his own, and he was in control, no one was stopping him. But after he felt a slight mood of loneliness, Cole started to feel emotional.
Cole was beaten by him throughout his childhood. This pain and anger gave him the personality and characteristic to inflict pain on other people. The two final themes have a very strong connection. In order to heal, mentally and physically, you have to learn to forgive and receive forgiveness. This was a lesson the reader and the main character, Cole, experience throughout the book.
Garvey and Edwin help to get Cole over his anger, one way they do this is by being the first people to care about Cole. Another way Garvey
Cole’s attitude, relationships, and environment develop into positive counterbalances that help him overcome adversity. For starters, Cole’s attitude was a big counterbalance for him that helped him overcome hardships. In the beginning of the book Cole acts like he doesn’t care and
At the beginning of the novel, Cole Matthews is a vicious teenager who thinks he is superior to everyone, but is, in fact, hiding behind a shield of anger, the result of being brutally abused by his drunken father. Cole’s father, Mr. Matthews, drinks non stop until he becomes a monster, and then ruthlessly beats Cole up. When talking to Garvey, a proud, Tlingit indian, who is also his parole officer, Cole opens up about his father’s abuse saying, “‘You don’t know what it’s like being hit over and over until you’re so numb you don’t feel anything!” (Mikaelsen 28).
Coles Journey with Healing and Forgiveness Stephen Richards said, “When you forgive, you heal”?Cole is the protagonist in the book “Touching Spirit Bear” Garvey was Cole’s parole officer who helps Cole. Cole's Dad beat him so Cole beats up Peter at the beginning of the book, but he ended up helping him at the end. Cole's Dad, Garvey, and Peter affect Cole’s healing in negative or positive ways. Garvey helped with Cole's healing and forgiveness by sending him to the island.
Essay on Touching Spirit Bear By Lauren Lee-Chung Changing is a process that many find trouble with pursuing. It is especially dependent on one’s experiences, for negative factors such as trauma, mental illness, or lack of motivation can truly make the process difficult. A similar procedure is portrayed in Touching Spirit Bear, a realistic fiction novel by Ben Mikaelsen. Cole Matthews is a distressed fifteen-year-old teenager who gets banished to an isolated Alaskan Island due to a recent crime of his, which involved smashing a fellow classmate’s head, Peter Driscal, into the sidewalk.
Cole’s Personality changes drastically throughout the story. He goes from being a juvenile delinquent to being a person who cares about life and knows how to forgive. Three ways that he changed, are his physical ability, his personality, and his self esteem or self confidence. Things around him, like his home life, changed drastically as well. When they changed it influenced the already changing Cole to change even more.
Everything will turn out right in the end, and Cole exhibits this. The whole reason that Cole ended up o the island in the first place is because he made bad choices. These choices led to more bad choices and then Cole had a traumatic experience. This changes Cole’s life forever.
For example, when Cole purposy bothered the Spirt Bear and later on ended up getting mauld by the animal. It is obvious that Cole’s decisions and actions against banishment lead him to fail the act. Cole’s consistent negative attitude made him dislike the idea of meaning humane. Since the beginning of the book, Cole has satisfied himself with anger. Cole believes that he can concor anything with his anger.
The circle decides to isolate him on a remote island to help him change. When on the island Cole is mauled by a spirit bear. After months of rehabilitation, he is sent back to the Island. After a long time of hard labor, he finally sees that he needs to let go of his anger. The one character that I think made the biggest difference to Cole was Garvey.
Cole emphasizes in his lyrics that “life can’t be no fairytale, no once upon a time; but [he’ll] be God damned if a n***a don’t be tryin’”. Despite all the shortcomings of his city, that won’t stop Cole from trying to make something out of himself. In comparison, I always had to learn things the hard way, and I always failed at what I tried to achieve. However my mistakes never stopped from moving forward and I continue to overcome any obstacles that stand in my way. Living through the hard times motivates me to continuously work hard, and never settle for