Participatory Evaluation

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Abstract Why do we evaluate a program? Program evaluation is the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and results of programs to make judgments about the program, improvement or more develop program effectiveness, inform decisions about future programming, and increase understanding (Patton M.Q.,2008). Research has been focused on the evaluation system by the learners’ perspective for decades. However, little time was devoted to the participatory approach that can produce more understanding about the program development system and effectiveness. This study defines the Collaborative and Participatory Evaluation System, compares the differences between Collaborative and Participatory and Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Evaluation Model, and develops the questionnaire for the Collaborative and Participatory Evaluation System following the steps in Zukoski, A & Luluquisen, M, Community-bases Public Health Policy & Practice, Issue #5, April 2002. Introduction It goes without saying that the most popular approach to evaluation in organizations is Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model (1976). The Kirkpatrick model has performed as the primary organizing design for training evaluations in organizations for decades. This …show more content…

Patton (1990) defines a traditional evaluation as something that is done to people. Participatory evaluation, however is different. It is a bottom-up method to evaluate that is led partially or fully by involved program participants, trainers, consultants, staff and/or board members. The participants are responsible to ask the questions, plan the evaluation design gather and analyze data, and take actions, depending on the results (Zukoski and Lulaquisen, 2002). From the beginning to the end of the process are participants' perspectives measured equally to those of the evaluator (Kellogg,

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