Postcolonial Studies In Doris Lessing's The Grass Is Singing

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As there are many readers for a text, there are varieties of interpretations, almost equal to the number of the readers who read the text. Although some of the readers have the same attitude, there are many new attitudes toward a text during the history of a work. The present study has been concerned with a reading from the views of Said, Bhabha and Fanon. The Grass is Singing is rich sources for other interpretations, so they deserve to be analyzed and interpreted based on different approaches. Here it is presented some suggestions for those who intend to study and observe these literary works from other perspectives. In spite of the fact that Doris Lessing and her works have a great reputation around the world.
These days, investigation in postcolonial studies is developing in educational system because postcolonial writers have a great analysis in different contexts. In this field, some important topics such the pre-colonial cultures and communities, the formation …show more content…

' The collection of essays and books about the concept of gender study in Lessing’s works can be authentic and appropriate in this case. Because second wave feminism focused much more on the way ideas and knowledge itself exclude women 's interests and identity, the establishment of women 's studies – which in its title alone announces that women are worthy of study in their own right – was a logical step in the development of a feminist epistemology (theory of knowledge).
Lessing first novel consists of some elements which reveal nature or natural creatures and objects in the world. Her method of writing reminds a reader to pay attention to nature. This novel reconciles human and nature. There can be lots of other interpretations upon Lessing’s novels including her biography and way of living in the society, studying the process of her creativity, her use of literary terms, philosophy, theology and

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