Brief Summary Of Barangay By Edgar Allan Poe

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Del Pilar believed that the Philippines was uncivilized right from the first and needed Spain in order to achieve a high level of civilization. It was goo when they first came here but with the coming of the friars, it all went down. The progress that been there slowed down under the supervision of the friars. In the end, he wanted the friars to go out of the country. He would want the Philippines to have its own government but will still be under the supervision of Spain.
Rizal, unlike the two, viewed the precolonial Philippines as already civilized but had only started that civilization later then the others and is still progressing. It was still trying to build the foundation of its civilization when the Spaniards came. Under the rule of …show more content…

Pre-colonial Philippines (on culture and life ways)
– based on William Henry Scott 's book Barangay
A. William Henry Scott had it cleared in the introduction that his book “Barangay” was made to answer the question, “What did the Spaniards actually say about the Filipino people when they first met them?” The book managed to fulfill that objective. It is quite notable that he included a lot of writings of the Spaniards where they expressed their thoughts about the Philippines. He included works of Father Chirino, Plasencia and other Spaniards who have taken account their observations of the Philippines.

B. Even though the societies in the prehispanic Philippines vary, they mostly have the same structure of hierarchical organization. There would be the datus, the timawas and the alipin. These were just general terms when talking about the social structure of the prehispanic Philippines and these terms varies from one society to another. The Tagalog and Visayan societies are great examples of …show more content…

Archaeology unearths(literally) material proofs that would either support or contradict a widely known fact. Archaeology is the study of past human behavior through the systematic recovery and analysis of material remains or objects ( It provides flesh to history because this is where history is really proven true. Archaeology provides evidences mostly in the form of artifacts that could actually prove a widely considered fact as untrue.

B. For a long time, it had been encrypted in our minds that we do not have our own civilization before the Spaniards came. It had been believed that we were more like animals when the Spaniards “discovered” us. But thanks to archaeology, those beliefs were proven to be untrue. The excavation of balangays, of greatly designed jars, of mummies and of things we did not know that our ancestors had actually built and created, were sure proofs that they were not animals as what the Spaniards had claimed they are. They already have a level of understanding about the world, even the universe in

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