Com-Mercial Aircraft Case Study

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Investigations on cutting-edge design of stiffened composite airframes rather than the replica-tion of metallic airframes are of high significance in exploiting the lightweight potential of the composite material. For instance, a preliminary investigation of an alternative layout for com-mercial aircraft by QUERIN ET AL. (2014) conclude a lattice-grid layout around the window cut-outs based on a topology optimisation of a midrange aircraft fuselage. This consolidates the lightweight potential of lattice-grid stiffener concepts in the side region of the fuselage. However, intersecting stiffeners obtained by the optimal layout cannot be realised due to the manufacturing complexity. This issue highlights the importance of design interpretation …show more content…

(SHIRINZADEH ET AL. (2007), (BLOM ET AL. (2010) , (YIN ET AL. (2014)). The subsequent stages yield to long product devel-opment times and significant issues in the production line regarding quality assurance. The existing design methodologies can be revolutionised by the estimations of defects and devia-tions by virtual process representations during the structural …show more content…

The cost estimations are performed according to cost assumptions regarding a future-based business model. The estimations give a deep insight to relative com-parison of different stiffening concepts under influences of the associated process histories and enable reasonable cost-weight trade-offs for multi-criteria optimisations. The multi-criteria optimisations are performed by evolutionary algorithms. The evolutionary progression of solutions is carried out based on the fitness rankings of individuals constructed by transformation of interdisciplinary outputs into a single value by applied substitute

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