Communication Between Parents And Children Essay

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A balanced set of rules prevalent at home for the teenager to abide by as well as providing healthy limits around their behavior can help curtail the intensity of some of the adolescents’ problems. About 80% of teens who experience good relationship with their parents are also happier with life in general. Maintaining a family environment congenial to open communication between parents and children will also encourage the latter to take their problems to their parents, when they get too difficult to handle, as that might be the only solution in some cases. Parents need to prepare them to face the day. Creating a comfortable home environment is the key. It encourages a free flow of thoughts and ideas between parents and children and also gives the former some knowledge of what’s happening in the teenager’s …show more content…

Well-known, parents want the best for their children, see their children succeed, even if it means giving them a gentle nudge. But sometimes, the judgment is clobbered, and parents’ actions can actually impede children’s progress. For some parents, those nudge often turns into a huge push: parents actually do things for the children – from tying the shoe to doing homework to making beds -- what they should be doing for themselves. To make children happy, they also lie. They lie so much that some sociologists have dubbed the practice as ‘parenting by lying.’ 80% of parents lie to their children just to influence children’s emotion or behavior. This is alarming and paradoxically surprising. Parents seem to justify it in terms of a goal they want to achieve. While parents may often be afraid that there will be a lot of crying now, but right thing to do is that if parents are consistent, the child will adapt eventually. When parents live by the principles of honor, faith and service, then their children follow suit as

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