The human form has been depicted artistically in various ways throughout history. The Greeks' obsession with the form human body dates as far back as 3,000 B.C. The marble figurines in the Cycladic Museum were created over 5,000 years ago. The actual meaning of these figurines remains unknown as written material about them has yet to be found. The sculptures focused on the form of female human beings.
Why are Spartan and Athenian societies different Athenian and Spartan societies were mostly different as the Spartan society was more focused on war and the Athenian life was more creative and wonderful. Firstly, the Spartan army was more strong and fierce. They were trained a lot from a young age. The men in the Spartan army were taken away from their families when they were seven years old and located in barracks, where they would live with other children.
Although the two city-states of Greece carried different motives they were both thought of as thinkers who loved beauty and multiple forms of art. Culture is one thing the two city states seemed to differ in greatly. Athens was thought to be a more progressive city-state. It’s known for art, architecture, drama, science advancements, philosophy, as well as literature. Though they were advanced in all of these fields they were behind on the rights of women.
3. Compare and contrast the idea of democracy in Ancient Greece and Rome. Which system was more democratic and why? Democracy is the modern day standard for governmental systems. However up until 500 BCE, the concept of Democracy was a foreign concept, and the great civilizations of that era were run by monarchs, aristocrats, and religious leaders of sorts.
Sculpture specifically focused on both human potential and achievements, plus the human experience. Firstly, the Greeks often sculpted humans instead of animals or monsters, which is human-centered enough. When they did sculpt gods or goddesses, these deities were anthropomorphic, having human characteristics. Classical sculpture used nudity to depict the ideal human form; subjects were often young male athletes or soldiers, epitomizing human potential and achievement. Hellenistic sculpture was more realistic and emotional, where the subjects were everyday people; this style focused on the struggles included in the human experience.
The start of the period known as "Classical Greece" starts at around 800 B.C.E. and ends around 400 B.C.E. Classical Greece tells tales of Athens against Sparta, the Peloponnesian War. But that is only some of the events, as the achievements are a feat to behold. New branches of mathematics, such as geometry established new theorems, columns were prominently used in buildings of importance, and the first Olympics were first held to honor the gods and celebrate human achievement. The contributions of classical Greece are seen in Western civilization in the continuation of the Olympics, in the realistic depiction of subjects in various forms of art, in the development of medical ethics, in the architectural use of columns in the Western building
Rome and Greece similarities and differences Roman Army Ancient Romans were (along with some Greek City-states) among the first people on Earth to pay their soldiers a regular salary so that they could be full-time soldiers instead of only fighting when they could spare the time from their farms. At first, the Romans had part-time soldiers like other countries, but by about 100 B.C.under Marius, the Romans began to pay soldiers to fight all year round. This gave them a lot of time for training and they became much better soldiers. For the most part, only men could serve in the Roman army, though a few women may also have served.
Ancient Rome left tremendous legacies such as technological advancements, religious beliefs and governmental structures that shaped the world today. The Romans conquered many territories and took on their cultures as well, in particular the Ancient Greek culture. Ancient Greek civilizations played a major role in the history and development of the Ancient Rome civilization. The Ancient Greeks influenced the social structure, religion and military strength of Ancient Rome.
Ancient Greece V.S. Ancient Rome What are some of the differences between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome? They’re both ancient so how different can they be? Well today, we are going to distinguish the differences and some similarities between these two ancient civilizations.
As we know, the Romans liked to find different ways of expressing themselves. Whether it was from elaborate paintings, or timeless architecture, Rome made sure everyone knew they were proud of who they were and what they have accomplished. Being the excessive boasters that they were, the Romans wanted a way of not only displaying their riches and fortunes, but to also show their loyalty and gratitude to the great leaders who influenced their lives. Art was usually the answer; paintings and sculpture being the most popular. Learned mostly from the Etruscans and Greeks, sculpture did not reach a high point in Rome until the 1st and 2nd centuries (Kamm, n.d.).
Romans believed in equal voting, and equal access to the government for all, which is also shown in our Democratic Government. Another way Greeks and Romans still influence out modern civilization is through art. Greek art strongly influenced Rome’s art. Greek art continues to play a key role in Literature and Art classes in our modern civilization. Greeks has highly developed literacy, which included drama, poetry, and music.
Contributive Studies From the Ancient Greeks Intuitive studies from ancient Greece contribute to our current knowledge of art, education, math, and science today. Writings and sculptures depict similar ideas we use currently. These ideas promote many practices used in today’s education system. Many designs, concepts, and ideas originate from the works of the Ancient Greek.
The Greek sculptures reach the new height of beauty, not only because the mastery of the technique, but also the fascination of human body. Greek art uses the outer appearance to reflect the inner power, it is the representative pattern of western art. The myth inspires the creation of sculpture. The fantasy of nature and society and the admire of god’s shape and personality makes the sculpture more multiple and abundant.
All cities were close to water bodies while Rome was an inland nation and arranged on the banks of River Tiber. Talking about art of Greece and Rome, Greeks were thought to be better than that of Romans. One of the sculptures that Greece is known with is Venus de Milo. Romans were great at mosaic, wall painting and they were also known for creating realistic portraits.
Uncontrolled emotionalism and shameful truth were now common characteristics to most of them. Still throughout the hellenistic, many sculptures were distinguished by their calmness, grace, and compassion for human suffering. The Ancient Greek sculptures were commonly made from stone or wood and very few of them are still existing to this day. Many were made to reflect the image of a freestanding human form even when the statue was of a god, and for this reason many of the sculptures were naked, the Greeks saw nudity as something beautiful. Other of the sculptures showed athletic figures, to essentially portray what the Greeks perceived as an ideal human and what it should look