Essay About College Life

757 Words4 Pages

College is Tough and So You Are!

What college is like today compared to college in the past?

College life in the past and college life in the present are not that different from each other. There are books in both. There are instructors and professors in both. Both are so much enjoyable and fun even if there are a lot of tough times. Surely, college life is a roller coaster ride then and now. College life in the past and college life in the present are not that different, but a lot has changed since then. In the past, students rely mostly on the books they have on hand, or they would go to the library and search for books related to their course. Sometimes, they even conduct interviews and surveys just to get the information they need. …show more content…

Once you already have a planner, it’s a chance for you to see what works are due sooner than the others. You would then have enough time to do what’s supposed to be done. It will help you stop yourself from cramming, hence having everything under control. No matter how many works you have to do, if you are all set and organized, then you don’t have much to worry about because you know that you can do everything at a specific time. You might even have time to rest, unlike when you don’t have an organized schedule wherein you have to work harder and under pressure because you are cramming.

• Have time for yourself. College is not a job. Studying is not a job. It is a chance for you to learn and to help you discover your abilities and potentials. It helps you push you to your limits. You don’t have to spend 24 hours working or studying. You need to get out even for just a little bit of time to maybe grab some coffee, or treat yourself some good delicious foods. You can also spend some time with your friends. You can hang out in the park to catch up with your lives. Or you could simply lie on your bed, turn some soft music on, hug your pillow and sleep.

Remember, college is tough but it’s tougher if you won’t get through it. Stay positive, do your best, and love

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