
Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron

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The short story Harrison Bergeron was about a couple in 2081 named George and Hazel Bergeron who face handicaps to make them equal seeing their son Harrison Bergeron, a heavily handicapped person, on TV after escaping prison and interrupting a ballet. Harrison takes off his handicaps, the handicaps of some musicians, and another unnamed ballerina before both Harrison and the ballerina are both shot and killed by Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General. This short story was later recreated by Chandler Tuttle into a film named 2081. While there are some differences between the two pieces of media, 2081 by Chandler Tuttle does stay true to the original short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut. This was done by taking the theme of the original short story and replicating it into the movie. While there are some differences between the two pieces of media, 2081 by Chandler Tuttle does stay true to the original short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt …show more content…

This was done by taking the theme of the original short story and replicating it into the movie.
In the short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, a theme of true equality denies people their personalities seems to be present in the text. This was shown in the text when George was thinking of his son Harrison and how “Nobody had ever borne heavier handicaps. He had outgrown hindrances faster than the H-G men could think them up.” By George thinking about his son, we as the reader can infer how talented Harrison was and how hard the workers tried to stop him from being himself. This shows how true equality denies people their personalities by showing us how a person so spectacular could be chained up and denied the right to be and express himself. In the recreation of Harrison Bergeron as a

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