Compare And Contrast Snowball And Napoleon In Animal Farm

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Napoleon and Snowball are the highlights of the allegorical novel Animal Farm. These two main characters are polar opposites. Napoleon is the crafty, manipulative character who takes control of Animal Farm. He is cocky, selfish, mean, and a liar. He takes a totalitarian position over the animals and uses brutal force to get what he wants. Napoleon is the character who symbolizes Joseph Stalin. Snowball is the character who wants the very best for the farm. He is intelligent, proficient, passionate, and a fighter. He tries to figure out ways to build Animal Farm’s infrastructure, and how to teach the animal how to be valuable members of their society and how to contribute to it. He wants to spread the idea of Animalism to all farms. Snowball is the character that symbolizes Leon Trotsky. Napoleon and Snowball have different personalities, styles of how to be the best leader, motivations, relationships with the animals, and views on life and leadership. They are both leaders in the novel, but only one shows the characteristics of a strong leader. That character is Snowball; he guided his animals to the best opportunities. He tried to build infrastructure with the windmill and taught the animals to read and write with his animal committees. He tries to live by the guidelines that Old Major instilled. Meanwhile, Napoleon only manipulates them through propaganda to give power to himself. He does this by using his secret police (the nine dogs) to strike fear into the

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