
Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Between 1763 And 1787

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During the American Revolution between 1763 and 1787, it is claimed that the revolution went through distinct stages of greater as well as lesser radicalism. After reading documents by Wood, Nash, Kenyon, and Linebaugh and Rediker, it is very clear that, infact, the American Revolution indeed went through well defined phases of lesser and greater radicalism.
The American Revolution (1763-1787) went through vivid phases of both greater and lesser radicalism as expressed by Wood. He expressed that a great change came with the change of government from an English monarch to a republic where the people were represented by the people. It is expressed through his document “Revolution and the Political Integration of the Enslaved and Disenfranchised” (1974) that many ordinary men living in the colonies wanted to be represented by ordinary men like themselves. They no longer wanted to be represented by a king or even representatives who have never set foot on American soil like before. Wood also expressed that it is not to be for the people, but rather of the people. …show more content…

Nash, as well as Wood, supported in his work that the revolution went through distinguishable greater and lesser radical stages. In example of a lesser stage, the Americans linked a greater part of their lives more into the current politics. Although this led to a greater cause, it started off as a very small juncture. Some more greater parts of radicalism during the revolution for American Revolution included many urban protests like boycotts and riots from the multiple taxes the british placed on the colonists in America. This included the Stamp Act (1765), Tea Act (1773), Sugar Act (1764), and more. An additional greater radical was extralegal activities or rather, activities that are beyond the authority of the law, like taring and feathering british

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