Compare And Contrast The Attitudes Of The Natives And American Explorers

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As explorers explored the Americas they tried to expand their control over the natives. They also tried to convert them to Christianity in multiple ways. Some of the things the explorers did caused them to revolt. For this essay, I will be using 3 of the 6 documents I was provided that are about European explorers and what they did while in the Americas. There were various things I will talk about in this essay such as the general attitude of the explorers and European leaders toward the natives, also how they treated the natives, and finally, the role religion played in the Age of Discovery.
First of all the attitude of the explorers and European leaders toward the natives was that they thought they had more power and control than the natives. They tried to use the natives so they could get stuff for as cheap as possible, also they tried to control the land the natives reside in. This is shown when document 1 states “exchanging valuable things for trifles, content with the very least thing or nothing at all . . . This shows how Columbus is using the natives so they can get good deals by abusing the natives’ respect. These explorers believed they were more important and superior, this is shown by their actions. …show more content…

They mistreated them by forcing them to become Christians and other things. They wanted them to become Christians and follow them unconditionally, therefore they acted in ways that they could've avoided. This is shown when document 3 states “I left them bound up and rode away and had the harquebus fired, and we fought so hard that in two hours more than three thousand men were killed”. This quote shows how they killed many of the natives when they could have just traded with them. If the explorers had handled things differently maybe they would have gotten richer than they