The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government an excessive amount of power, and while not a Bill of Rights the folks would be in danger of oppression. Both Hamilton and Madison argued that the Constitution did not want a Bill of Rights, that it might produce a "parchment barrier" that restricted the rights of the folks, as critical protective
These people were known as the Anti-federalist and wrote their own essays as to what they believed, they also looked more to the Articles of Confederation because it did not look at the central government as much. On the other hand, the Federalist approved of the central government and are a strong supporter of the Constitution. The Federalist papers overall created and unified our government, because without the separation of powers we would not have a strong government because every state will act as their own. At the end once the ratification of the
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists Federalists were mostly merchants, bankers manufacturers, and wealthy farm owners. They basically owned land or some type of property and were well-educated. Most of these people lived in urban areas. Anti-Federalists were mostly artisans, shopkeepers, frontier settlers, and poor farmers. They were mostly uneducated and illiterate and most of them lived in rural areas.
Thomas Jefferson- one of the great American founding fathers with exquisite taste in architecture and French wine, but also known to hold a controversial set of ideas- fought frequently and strongly against the Federalists ideas before he achieved Presidency. Jefferson and the other republican democrats who followed suit held the belief that the powers of the federal government should be left strictly to what is granted to them in the Constitution. Those powers not specifically addressed in the Constitution would then be delegated to the state governments. This is to ensure that the federal government did not have too much power as they believe a country runs best under a form of self-government.
The Federalists of the convention were in favor of the ratification of the Constitution. They believed that the national government must be strong in order to function and to control uncooperative states, which could protect the rights of the people. They also believed that the Constitution and state government protected individual freedoms. On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists opposed a strong central government, particularly a standing army. They believed it threatened state power along with the rights of the common people.
There are a few trends that can be seen about Anti-Federalists, as there are surrounding any political group. As seen in a map depicting where the majority of Anti-Federalists and Federalists were, it is seen that most of the Anti-Federalists lived in the South, large states, or both (Document 4). Ultimately, this is saying that states with large populations (be it due to the slave population or the actual area of the state) were in favor of a governing body stating that the federal government would stay out of the states’ ways and let them control matters as they arise. Another opposition that Anti-Federalists had towards the Constitution is the lack of protection over Americans. Anti-Federalist George Bryan spoke out and said “what security does the Constitution of the several states afford the liberty of the press and other invaluable personal rights, not provided for by the new plan” (Document 2)?
The Federalists wanted a strong central government. The Anti- Federalists claims Constitution gives the central government too much power and, and they worried about the new constitution will not give them any rights. That the new system threatened freedom; Also, threatened the sovereignty of the states and personal liberties; failed to protect individual rights. Besides, some of famous peoples such as " Patrick Henry" and artists have came out against the Constitution. Although the anti-Federalists were unsuccessful in stopping the passage of the Constitution, their efforts have been responsible for the creation and implementation of the Bill of
George Washington was on the “front lead” of the American Revolution, and it is no surprise he would become the first president of the United States. He ruled in a blank slated government, since there was no precedents of a government detached from the British. During his mandate The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were created. While the new government was trying to settle, two groups of people were also starting to be distinguished: The Federalists and the Republicans. George Washington’s vice-president, John Adams (who would succeed him) was a Federalist.
This broke people up into two groups: Anti-Federalists and Federalists. The Anti-Federalists were those in favor of strong states’ rights. They disliked the Constitution because they believed that there was a chance that Constitution would destroy the freedoms the colonies fought for. They were scared of tyranny, especially pertaining to the fact that under the new Constitution, the national government, or Congress, would be able to make decisions without even asking for the states’ permission.
Represented by Alexander Hamlton, they favored the constitution and were against the bill of rights. The Anti-Federalists feared/preferred a weak central government. They were represented by Thomas Jefferson, they favored the articles of confederation and were for the bill of rights. The warnings from the Anti-Federalists about the constitution were right. They warned the Federalists about the consequences of undelegated power becoming abused.
THE FEDERALIST AND THE ANTI-FEDERALISTS AND CONSTITUTIONAL COMPROMISE Anti-Federalists contended that the Constitution gave excessively energy to the government, while removing excessively control from state and neighborhood governments. Many felt that the government would be too far evacuated to speak to the normal national. Hostile to Federalists dreaded the country was too expansive for the national government to react to the worries of individuals on a state and neighborhood premise. The Anti-Federalists were additionally stressed that the first content of the Constitution did not contain a bill of rights. They needed ensured insurance for certain essential freedoms, for example, the right to speak freely and trial by jury.
Federalist party are people who strongly agree to the thought of the constitution and they argued to immediate ratification of the constitution. James Madison along with Alexander Hamilton favored the constitution and argued their case against the Anti Federalist which were people who wanted to keep a monarchy country. I stand strongly on the side of the Federalists. A strong central government has been exceptionally beneficial to our country. The Anti-Federalists wanted to keep a monarchy government when the Federalists wanted to see a change in our country.
During the online video assignment’s I learned a lot about the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, Federalists were those who supported the new Constitution and Anti-Federalists did not support the new Constitution because they felt it gave too much power to the national government. The Federalists also became the name of the first political party. I also learned about shays rebellion of 1786 it began because of financial difficulties brought about by a post-war economic depression, and currency was almost worthless and to make up for It a tax was placed which angered farmers they felt like they were sticking it to the little guy. Another fact I found interesting was that the final printed copy of the Constitution, was delivered to the Constitutional
The Anti Federalist The anti-federalist papers were written document about why the idea of federalist is bad. three problems they had with the Constitution were the president as military king, what congress can do; what a state can not, bill of rights. These were only three of the issues I found that the anti-federalist had with the constitution. The first paper I found was the The President As Military King, anti-federalist paper #74.
With a weak central government, they would bolster for stronger power in the states. Key Anti Federalists were known as: John Hancock, Patrick Henry, and George Mason. This congregation of Anti Federalists promoted a document known as the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the United State 's first constitution, even though it was never ratified. With that, they believed that the constitution drafted by the Federalists was not enough to protect individual rights.