The two empires had different ideas of culture in relation with the people and their viewpoints. The Chinese had a defined hierarchy. Whereas the Romans had a weaker not as defined hierarchy with no equivalent religion to Confucianism. Family was the foundation in Chinese culture, the Romans lacked this particular quality. Both empires contrast because of their vastly different views because of culture and
The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty of China were two of the largest empires of the Ancient world. The Roman Empire lasted from 27B.C. and fell in 476 the to German Barbarians, 298 The Ancient Han Chinese empire lasted from 206 to 220 (p.11). The Rome Empire and the Han Dynasty of China both kept a lot of records and many survive to us today. Both Empires also used a census to monitor people movement and record tax information. Both the Han Dynasty and rome relied heavily on income from taxes to pay for their military and public works
In conclusion, the two civilizations believed in entirely different ways to govern themselves and they both had completely different values of individuals. Athens had a strong confidence in each male citizen, believing that men were higher over all. They believed each man should engage in government and contribute their thoughts. On the other hand, Han China did not cherish the individual, instead, they believed men were a part of nature. They also believed that people should behave, be kind to others, and let the higher classes govern
Comparing the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire in the Classical Period were similar in their downfall and advances, but differed politically. The Roman Empire gradually fell for many different reasons. In the same way, the downfall of the Han Dynasty was caused by a multitude of factors, many of these being the same as the Roman’s. Just as the Roman Empire was hurt by the number of nomadic invasions, so was the Han.
Christopher Columbus as we know is the historical person credited for the discovery of the New World. Zheng He was a Hui-Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat and fleet admiral, who commanded voyages to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa. Each men and their fleets had two completely different reason for their travel. Christopher Columbus purpose was to find a new trade way to the Asian countries. Zheng He's purpose was to enlarge empires control of seaway trade.
Confucianism acknowledges that the best way to make people behave is to govern them with virtue
They were both built in a dynasty. Confucianism was built in the Zhou dynasty while legalism was built and founded in the Qin dynasty. Both philosophies were followed during that period of time. Both philosophies controlled the society it was in, even if they didn’t like it. For confucianism, they believed that it controlled people action’s in society, this one was followed willing, which means they did want to believe in this ruling.
William Golding uses the theme that humans are naturally bad at heart, in the book Lord of the Flies to highlight that without the order and respect we choose to live our daily lives with our human nature will ultimately take us into chaos and savagery. Morals are what we choose to live by, this is what keeps us accountable. Morals do not appear overnight. Overtime they are ingrained throughout our childhood. Giving us a sense of right and wrong.
A person does not necessarily need to feel compassion, but people have the instinctive ability to react to such a situation. The difference between these two men is that Mencius believes in the good of people, he considers all humans to have a heart that has an instinctive reaction. Where as Tzu thinks that just because a person has a beating heart does not mean that they have the capability to react to a situation similar to the child falling into a
However, can’t it be both? Both Mencius and Hsun Tzu can be right, there are millions of people in the world and some are good and some are evil,“If you plant the seeds carefully at the same time and in the same place, they’ll all sprout and grow ripe by summer solstice. If they don’t grow the same it 's because of inequities in richness of soil, amounts of rainfall, or the care given them by farmers” (Mencius 81). Some may be evil but react to what they’ve done and changed to good. Others may be good but have been hurt and chose to be evil.
When a human being is born, they’re bound to be good in either their persona or nature. In this case, this philosophy found it to be incorrect occurring to a Chinese scholar Hsun Tzu, who was a philosopher in circa 300-230 BCE. He believed human beings were not born good but instead he believed they were born evil. Similarly, to what Tzu believed there was an England political philosopher in the 1600s and his name was Thomas Hobbes, and he believed human nature was malicious as well.
Recognize good and evil is born. Is and Isn’t produce each other,” (Tao Te Ching 2). In this case, Confucius leans further toward Aristotle, as he places great significance on using correct names. A reader of both Confucius and Aristotle can immediately notice the resemblance between their views of how people should behave.
Although both Confucius and Mencius have a lot in common with regards to governance, the two do have varying opinions on certain matters such as the legitimacy when rulers are overthrown, and the relationship between the ruler and his people. In precedence to coming up with policies and administrative measures, one has to first consider the issue of human nature as it plays an essential role in the development of a state 's political system. In the Confucian philosophy, the belief is that goodness is innate in humans and that everyone shares this same trait [子曰:“性相近也,习相远也。”] (Analects, 17.2). Mencius further elaborated on this doctrine by stating that it is mankind’s natural tendency to be kind to others, just as water would naturally flow downwards (Mencius, 6A2).
Compare and contrast the work of Confucius and Han Fei in terms of what they think about and view society and how it should be ordered? Apart from highlighting similarities and differences, in your conclusion also speak about which political model is more appealing to you and why? What is a society?
Scholars Aristotle and Confucius are both well-known people in history. Aristotle was an incredible Greek rationalist and researcher while Confucius was a Chinese government official, a savant, and an instructor. They both made huge commitments to ideals and morals. Their thoughtful works were comparable in nature, yet with some unique perspectives, thoughts, and points of view toward temperance.