Classical Athens and Han China are different from each other by its size and scope, the types of government, and how philosophers influence their societies. Athens was located in modern-day Greece next to the Mediterranean Sea. China was located in East Asia next to the Pacific Ocean. One factor that distinguishes Athens and Han China are their size and population.
Camille Sicat #26 3/16/16 Writing/Social Studies Power of the People: Athens vs. Rome Essential Question: Citizenship in Athens and Rome: Which Was the Better System? Prior to the idea of people being “citizens” of a nation, people were subjects, with no rights and forced to serve under the iron fist of their ruler. The idea of people having rights and responsibilities to their country originated in Athens, Greece circa 500 B.C. (Background Essay). Rome, however, far surpassed the Greeks in their social contract theory of citizenship (Background Essay) for the following reasons: 1) More people were considered citizens i.e. females and sons of freed slaves; 2)
Between Athens and Rome, I believe Rome had the better system of citizenship. Two different citizenship systems- Athenian and Roman- was the better system? First off, Athenians were extremely tight with their citizenship requirements.
From 600 b.c.e to 200 c.e 2 empires with distinct political, religious and social structures were formed in Han China and Classical Greece. The Han dynasty differed greatly with Classical Greece in how it governed, what they believed and its social structures which lead to it being able to sustain a much larger population and last for a much large period of time compared to classical; Greece. To begin the Han dynasty continued the centralized government begun by their predecessors the Qin dynasty by having a monarchy however there were still regional governments. This differed greatly from the political structures in greece because in greece governments were organized in city states and many city states ran things completely different form others.
During the Archaic period, the Greeks started to expand their travels to the Near East and Egypt. Being exposed to the different art and styles, they took it back with them and started to use different materials for the statues. 2. In what ways do the Archaic Greek sculptures resemble the work of the Egyptians?
When in Rome Rome has a better system than Athens in my opinion. Athens citizens have more responsibility and rights then Rome. Rome has more of a family oriented style of citizenship. Athens and rome both honored citizenship in their own ways equally.
The Ancient Greeks were affected in many ways by the things around and in the country called Greece. The geography of the land has had a great influence on Greece and the inhabitants. Throughout the history of Greece, there came more effects to the people who lived there. Some of these effects on the Ancient Greek civilization were positive and some were negative. Most of these effects were beneficial to the Greeks.
Many of the ancient lands we learn about in school are situated in river valleys teeming with silt that’s just waiting for stuff to be grown in it. This doesn’t make things easy for them, exactly, but, at the very least, that part of their life is taken care of. They can get both water and food from these river valleys they call home, as well as wealth from trading their crops. This was the case for both Mesopotamia and Egypt. Ancient Greece, however, as stated in Document 1, did not have these advantages.
3. Compare and contrast the idea of democracy in Ancient Greece and Rome. Which system was more democratic and why? Democracy is the modern day standard for governmental systems. However up until 500 BCE, the concept of Democracy was a foreign concept, and the great civilizations of that era were run by monarchs, aristocrats, and religious leaders of sorts.
Sculpture specifically focused on both human potential and achievements, plus the human experience. Firstly, the Greeks often sculpted humans instead of animals or monsters, which is human-centered enough. When they did sculpt gods or goddesses, these deities were anthropomorphic, having human characteristics. Classical sculpture used nudity to depict the ideal human form; subjects were often young male athletes or soldiers, epitomizing human potential and achievement. Hellenistic sculpture was more realistic and emotional, where the subjects were everyday people; this style focused on the struggles included in the human experience.
He is a marble statue found in the ruins of the Athenian Acropolis, a bit smaller than life-sized, and is dated at 480 BC, a transitionary period from the Archaic to Early Classical era of Greek art. He is an emerging youth nearing the cusp of puberty, with a weight shift characteristic of this artistic period. Overall, the piece displays an incredible understanding of human physiology, and has moved away from the twisted perspectives and unnatural stiffness of earlier art. An anatomical chain of events occurs with the weight shift, and his overall musculature and skeletal structure are unforced and lifelike. He is the most famous Early Classical statue.
The Athenian and the Spartan civilizations were very unique and different but the people shared many similar ideas. The Athenians believed that their government was original and that everyone should participate directly in government. On the other hand, the Spartans believed that every man should train for the military. Both the Spartans and Athenians believed in an equal society where the members were devoted to the polis. During this time, Athens supported a democracy.
Ancient Greece was devided in two periods: Hellenistic and Classical Greece. The Hellenistic period covers the time of ancient Greek (Hellenic) history and Mediterranean history between the passing of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the rise of the Roman Empire as connoted by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the consequent triumph of Ptolemaic Egypt the next year. Classical Greece was a time of around 200 years ( 5th and 4th centuries BC) in Greek culture. This Classical period saw the addition of quite a bit of cutting edge Greece by the Persian Empire and its resulting autonomy. Classical Greece affected the Roman Empire and on the establishments of western human advancement.
The Greek sculptures reach the new height of beauty, not only because the mastery of the technique, but also the fascination of human body. Greek art uses the outer appearance to reflect the inner power, it is the representative pattern of western art. The myth inspires the creation of sculpture. The fantasy of nature and society and the admire of god’s shape and personality makes the sculpture more multiple and abundant.
Uncontrolled emotionalism and shameful truth were now common characteristics to most of them. Still throughout the hellenistic, many sculptures were distinguished by their calmness, grace, and compassion for human suffering. The Ancient Greek sculptures were commonly made from stone or wood and very few of them are still existing to this day. Many were made to reflect the image of a freestanding human form even when the statue was of a god, and for this reason many of the sculptures were naked, the Greeks saw nudity as something beautiful. Other of the sculptures showed athletic figures, to essentially portray what the Greeks perceived as an ideal human and what it should look