Computer Self-Efficacy

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As technology advances and permeates the learning environment, computer use becomes an important skill for EFL learners. Many EFL learners may dread using computers. This fear can be the result of their inability in manipulating a computer in general or completing a task through a computer in particular.
1.1. Computer anxiety Computer anxiety is defined as the fear expressed toward computers when one is using or is about to use them (Chua et al, 1999). Boziolenos (2001) believes that computer anxiety is a negative emotional state which can influence users’ interaction with the computer. Computer anxiety has also been found to significantly affect computer-related activities such as utilization of computer, skills related to computing, attitudes …show more content…

18). Delcourt and Kinzie (1993) defined computer self-efficacy as the degree to which computer users are confident with their capacity to comprehend and apply computer skills and knowledge. They found that individuals with high computer self-efficacy will feel knowledgeable and skilled in using computer hardware and software. However, those who have low computer self-efficacy may believe that they will experience difficulty in using computers. Computer self-efficacy has been found to be associated with attitudes toward computer technology. According to Zhang and Espinoza (1998), a student’s confidence about computer skills may affect the willingness to learn computer skills. More precisely, the less confident a student feels about computer skills, the more they desire to learn about computer …show more content…

He also found that perceived technological efficacy was significantly correlated with both self-reported current usage (r = .63) and self- and predicted future usage (r = .85). Igbaria and Parasuraman (1989), examining the interactions between attitudes toward computer use and anxiety toward usage, found that attitudes are negatively correlated with anxiety. Anxiety toward computer use was negatively correlated with computer abilities and skills and as a result they concluded that low levels of anxiety toward computer use ought to be related to higher computer knowledge and skills, and vice versa (Chu & Spires, 1991).
Anxiety level has an impact on self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a moderating factor between computer anxiety and computer performance. Inadequate amount of self-efficacy in using computers may raise levels of anxiety, whereby paucity of knowledge about computers brings a sense of fear, hence a loss of confidence will result (Howard & Smith, 1986). Compeau and Higgins (1995) indicated a correlation between self-efficacy and learning to use computer

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