Computerization Of Sales Essay

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The progress in information revolution resulted in the use of computer in information management which have shown high efficiency rate, specifically in sales services. Sales can be defined as he exchange of goods and / or services for a price which can be money or other goods / service on the other hand, invoicing is an expression or word that can be substituted for sales, once a sale is made; details of the transaction are taken and documented in form of invoice. These Operations of sales can be done through writing and description of the transaction; this is called involving operation. Computerized invoicing system tries to reduce the problem of manual handling of sales. Such problems include: Inaccuracies …show more content…

To compare the existing system of sales management to the modern computerized system as regards to efficiency.
3. To ensure that customers satisfaction is guaranteed.
4. To formulate computer strategies ad make recommendations that would be more effective and satisfying in sales management.
5. To come up with a better option in invoicing service delivery.
1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY This area of study comprises of other several components which demands much time and other resources. As a result the scope of the study is limited to only purchasing of goods; inventory control, sales of goods and issuance of invoice.
The limitations encountered by the student on the course of the research work were:
• There was less information on the topic under study
• Limited time on the part of the author
• Delay on the data and collection of information from the organization under study.

1.6 DEFINITION OF TERMS i ACCOUNT:- This is a record in a double entry book keeping system kept for each class of asset revenue, expenses and others. ii ACCOUNT PAYABLE:- Amount owed supplier for the purchase of goods and

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