Being that someone could overpower you and take your weapon and that’s why most gun carriers still want to keep their guns hidden so that the surprise is taken to your advantage not theirs. Beings said three percent of Texas population has gotten their license and that’s still rising for them and all over the country. These are just some of the big gun topics that the country is talking about that really need to be cleared up with the public for a better understanding of how the gun law works and all of the rules that gun enthusiast have to go through and learn most people don’t realize that they go through intense training for this right and we are not uneducated about this
Ryan Clark Adeline Mitchell English 125 22 July 2015 An Annotated Bibliography Wright, Stephen E. "Gun Control Laws Will Not Save Lives." Guns and Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins.
Many pro gun-control citizens believe that banning firearms will make them safer and some even protest. For reasons of self-defense, to assist the police, and because violence will always be present, the United States’ law regarding the legality of firearms should stay in place. One of the many uses of firearms is self-defence. “Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals
This type of gun should remain for military use only and not be an easy access to the
Paper will discuss that controversial topic of concealed handguns. Being pro concealed weapons, I feel they can prevent crimes from happening and help people to defend themselves in dangerous situations. The contents of this paper will review the arguments for and against concealed handgun and will deliver a policy regarding the public health topic of concealed carry laws. Concealed handgun should be allowed for the main reason that they help to prevent crimes from occurring. Not only is carrying a handgun a right given to US citizens via the constitution (National archives, n.d.), but it's been shown that states with strict or bands on concealed weapons have higher gun involved murder rates (Gius, 2013).
Whether you like guns or you hate them, you must understand that the ownership of firearms is a right; A RIGHT…NOT a privilege. You must understand that America is a republic, NOT a democracy. That means that our rights cannot be changed or ended by a vote. ““The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams” It is your right (as protected by the first amendment) to oppose the 2nd amendment.
As American subjects, we have a bigger number of rights and flexibilities than whatever other gathering of individuals on the planet. The originators of this nation built up these flexibilities since they had beforehand lived in nations where the general population did not have the same number of rights. One of these rights is expressed in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which announces "the privilege of the general population to keep and remain battle ready, might not be encroached. " But rather throughout the years different laws and directions have encroached upon this privilege. The explanations behind these laws are to get the firearms that cause wrongdoing and wounds off the lanes.
Patrick McAndrew Mrs.Scruggs English III 10-May-2016 Today many people around the world and even in the US are scared about the next shooting and where it will take place. Many states don 't allow concealed carry on school grounds because they believe that the students are not ready for a responsibility like carrying a gun. Eight states in the US allow concealed carry on campus because the state has voted on it and passed it through government. Other states such as Georgia have discussed the topic on concealed carry but very very will vote for it because they feel students and faculty are not ready for such a big responsibility.
The first amendment is very important for United State citizens. Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights. Freedom of speech grants us rights to say what we want without getting in trouble with the law. This law is important because it allows us to express our opinions. Freedom of religion is another right that is very important.
A few years ago, a student named Amanda Carpenter attended the University of Nevada at Reno. She was walking to her car from class when she was attacked and raped. This student felt as if she had been allowed to carry a concealed gun, she probably would not have gotten raped that night (Wiseman, 2012). There are many misconceptions about carrying a concealed gun, everyone is not criminals, and everyone will not commit a crime. A thorough background check, training, and the passing of a test should qualify people the right to carry a concealed gun everywhere.
A weapon in the wrongs hands is the maximum danger humanity can face. Nowadays, violence and delinquency in society are viewed as the maximum problem solver. Humanity is full of chaos; hate and envy seize our souls. Guns are the ultimate security for some citizens but for others, these add to a feeling of defenselessness. Throughout history, any topic related to guns means a plethora of problems.
A possible concern is threatening weapons that are used too often when a person is causing a crime. For example, crimes all over the world have steered to atrocious incidents caused by concealed guns. This implies that the use of guns is taken for granted all over the world. This means that concealed guns have been the cause of a numerous amount dangers popping up around the world. However, “Carrying a concealed handgun could help stop a public shooting spree.”
INTRO Cute, cuddly, loving, puppies! Everyone wants a: Cute, cuddly, loving, puppy!
Title: Gun Safety Rules and Tips Guns are inherently dangers and should be handled with care. Improper use, storage and care of firearms leads to unintentional deaths, injury or damage. If you are a firearm owner, a potential gun owner or a curious about the use and effects of guns, then learning about gun safety is essential. Gun safety rules are the recommendations given to minimize or eliminate accidental or negligent discharge and the consequences of malfunctioning firearms. They also impart knowledge on properly storing firearms.
Smoking is one of the worst things you could do, it’s pretty much suicidal, but people still do it. In the 90s smoking was very, it was normal for someone to smoke because every one did it. However, now smoking is not as popular because now we know what it does to you and how it affects your body. That doesn’t mean that nobody smokes, there are millions that smoke and we need to get people to stop before it’s too late. Today I’m going to tell you about the contents of a cigarette, effects of smoking, secondhand smoke, ways to quit smoking, and some facts about smoking that will change your mind about it.