Former NFL superstar tight end Aaron Hernandez was convicted of executing a man. He killed him with six bullets inside an industrial park, he and was sentenced to life in prison (“Aaron Hernandez’s”). Concussions are a scary reality of playing National Football League (NFL). Every year there are more and more players that are having season ending, or career ending injuries due to hits to the head.
Intense sports like football are very famous, but might be too dangerous. Football has the largest percentage of all sports that have injured members almost every time. Football is an American sport known for tackles, but it causes injuries from head to head impact and causes medical care. Football is a very famous sport, causes damage like concussions and C.T.E. (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). Football and other intense sports causes concussions to happen, which causes brain damage.
Brian’s Song Essay (Football Concussions) Imagine you just hit the turf really hard in a football game. This is one way of getting a severe concussion which could lead to 2 weeks with no light. Concussions are a major problem in football and it needs to be fixed.
In the past few years, the number of concussions per year has only spiked. The NFL calls it a “cultural change” in that the staff are more willing to report head injuries instead of neglecting them. However, to many like Christopher Nowinski- one of the founders of the Concussion Legacy foundation- this increase just shows that the NFL does not care to prevent head injuries, only treat them when they are developed. The number of concussions between the 2013 and 2014 season actually increased by 58
Concussions have been plagued NFL players during their careers and are now starting to affect them, even after they are done playing. The lasting effects of a concussion range from cognitive, to physical, as well as emotional symptoms. As a cause of these many concussions popping up in the league, many rules have changed and are making some aspects of the game illegal in terms of hitting. Even lining up in a certain position is not allowed, this is simply for the safety of the players. Getting a physical therapist on staff at all times to help athletes is required in the NFL.
In fact, a lot of people get concussions in one season. The NFL is paying $765,000,000 to thousands of retired players for damaging their head while they were playing football. In the 2013 season, 228 concussions were diagnosed in the NFL. That is not even counting all of the high schoolers, the little kids, or the ones in college. There are a lot more concussions in football with the new helmets than the old helmets.
“About 43 percent of injuries overall happened when athletes collided with another player” (Rapaport). You can have many symptoms, there is many ways to prevent having a concussion. Concussions are common in soccer and they can be prevented by many different ways. Some studies show that the concussion bands won’t prevent concussions but they will reduce the force impacted on your brain when you hit another player or equipment.
The NFL has seen an increase in concussions over the years due to the style of play, and the speed of the game is much faster paced. In the past five years, the NFL has taken steps to try to limit concussions. The reason why it has taken so long to make changes was because in the past no one really knew the dangers of concussions. Some precautions that have been put in place are fines when hits to the head occur to restrain player from violent head to head collisions. The NFL has restricted teams to only allowing 14 full-contact practices during its 18-week season.
From youth football to the NFL, concussions are prevalent at every age group and skill level. The NFL has helped to look into youth football in a variety of ways including heads up tackle which is a program that teaching athletes to use proper technique when tackling a player as well as fitting these athletes for equipment. By doing this, youth football players learn how to properly tackle someone to absorb a hit as well as give these athletes the least likely chance of having a major traumatic brain injury (Goldberg). Goldberg’s Hypothesis was that if you teach youth players in the sport of football the proper technique of tackling, concussions would not be an issue. Although the NFL has helped make dramatic impacts on the youth games including leagues such as pop warner which roughly over 40% of NFL athletes played in as a child, there are over 650,000 youth players in the United States and because of this large number, they do not track
Concussions Why are there so many concussions in the National Football League (NFL)? Why are they not taking more precautions to prevent them? The NFL has on average 130 concussions each year. This season, 149 different players obtained serious head injuries over the 271 games. This is a 30% increase from the previous three-year average.
Concussions and head injuries are a huge deal in the game of football. If I had the chance to create a college course on anything I wanted, I think I would try to solve, or at least help this deadly problem. I obviously know that there are already classes researching brain and head injuries and the impact of hits on football players brains, but I think that new course could be created. The students taking this course would not only do research on the injuries, but they would find out how to fix them. One might say it is a mix of a medical course and an engineering course, focused specifically on head injuries in football.
The NFL needs to follow the same concussion protocol as the lower levels of the sport. THe sport could be much safer and it should be much safer. Players deserve more protection and it should be much easier to play the sport without having any
Throughout America’s history, football has been well known and a popular sport. Throughout the years, however, the safety of helmets have always been in question. As time went on, the amount of injuries significantly went down the helmets did not solve the problem completely. On November 6, 1869 the first "football" game took place. In my research I found that helmets were not mandatory until the 30’s which left a lot of players open to injury especially when half the players were wearing helmets and the other half were not while playing on the field.
Is your brain moving in ways it shouldn’t be? You can tell if it is by some of the symptoms I’ll talk about later in this paper. Well if it is moving too much, you may have a concussion. A concussion is a traumatic head injury. You usually get a concussion when you receive a blow to the head.
As concussions occur more and more in the NFL and among teens, more research has been conducted. There has been research on teens that concussions had occurred in teen’s brains, to find out what type of hit teens gotten by football may of suffer from it. There are many concussions in the NFL and especially teens who play football that have suffered death and never to play the sport they love. Teens and athletes who love the sport football, have been suffered by concussions that had ruin their playing for the most of this moments but research has been conducted of ways to help out teens and NFL. To prevent concussions, coaches and parents have the right to support their athletes to mental support from doctors.