Conflict Resolution: What Is The Cause Of Conflicts Or Differences?

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Conflict takes place in instances of irritation, misunderstandings, difference in opinions, tension and arguments between two or more persons. Conflicts mark the frontiers, the places where we weaken and divide . These situations might arise due to differences in ideologies or behaviour between two parties or within a group of persons.

Many times conflict is classified as either task conflict or relationship conflict yet irrespective of which type a conflict is, discord between persons brings with it a wave of emotions that most times hinder a rational, objective and balanced reasoning of a particular situation. Everyone has his own ideas and beliefs and most times it is these differences in character which give rise to conflict, yet it does not mean that diversity in personalities will necessarily lead to conflict. Rather, conflict has more to do with one’s approach towards a particular situation, it usually arises by how we express and communicate those differences and this indicates that we can have divergent opinions without putting ourselves in a conflict situation.

In practically each conflict situation it …show more content…

Conflict resolution is not taught in school it is a lifelong skill which we have to personally explore and learn. Conflict is not always considered a negative thing, it is undoubtly better if there was no conflict however differences in character, in themselves are not the problem, it is how one handles disharmony which is of concern. A number of people might prefer to take an adversarial approach, by litigating in court, others might agree to arbitration (even before there is an actual dispute) whilst some might opt for voluntary negotiation or mediation . So in cases of conflict people either avoid confrontation by walking away from the situation or resort to formal or informal institutions to resolve their

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