Confucianism Summary

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This article review the Confucius and Confucianism. This book is talking about the effect of Confucius and Confucianism in the past and at now. Confucius faced many of the same problems we do: governments telling lies; an enthusiasm for military adventures; great social, economic, and technological changes; a society that seemed to be losing any respect for education and for moral behavior; growing sleaziness and ignorance. Confucius offers solutions to these problems. We will find that what he has to say applies to our dilemmas and to us today. Confucius said that we can become responsible, adult people who behave properly. If we can do that, we can change the world we live in. Unlike many people today, when Confucius talks about morals and virtues, he does not do it to accuse others or to force his thinking on anyone. Confucius tells us that we should become educated, not to get a job, but to become better people. He, and his followers, talk about cultivating the self, just as one grows a garden. Do that properly and you change your family, neighborhood, and country. This book is based on the work of hundreds of scholars. The study of Chinese philosophy in the West has, in the last 20 years, become increasingly sophisticated and exciting. Scholars in the area must also bear in mind that this book is an …show more content…

It first talk about the man who make Confucianism, Kongzi or Master Kong. In the modern China, if we talk about “Confucius”, most people will not know who we are talking about. People call Kongzi to “Confucius” because the name “Confucius” was coined by Catholic missionaries to China in the sixteenth century. Confucius is the Latin form of the Chinese Kongzi. The meaning of Kongzi is that “Kong” is Confucius’ family name and the “zi” means “Master” or “Teacher” in Chinese. Also in Western, people call Confucius to “Confucius” more than “Kongzi”, since only few people know his real

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