Result Of Water Pollution Essay

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The result of water pollution

The consequences of water pollution are huge. It affects Earth, animals, people and even their economy. Each reason of water pollution cost most damage than the one before. Some consequences may be obvious than the others, but sometimes it takes time to realize what have we done to our only home. Here is a list of the aftereffect of some causes of water pollution.
From oil:
Oil spills comes mostly from the transportation ships, and there are millions of gallons that get thrown it the ocean every year. Oil is threatening marine animals in long term way. It affects their organs badly and ruins their ability to breath. Furthermore it weakens their growth and affect adversely on the fish reproduction. In addition oil can negatively impact on the birds that come down to catch the fish and eat it. Oil harm births because the oil get stuck in their feather so in result they can 't move properly or even fly. Moreover oil can sometime poison them. Oil damages the coral reef as well. Coral reefs are the habitat for plenty of sea creatures, and when there is oil floats on the sea it clogs the sunlight and prevent …show more content…

Yet preventing it is way cheaper and easier for the governments. There are so many ways to treat the pollution and most of them cost lots of money. The cost of the treatment depends on many factories as the location of the pollution, the contamination size and the type of the pollution in this case it is water pollution. First the location matter because if that area of the pollution is easy to reach it, it will be cheaper to clean it and treat it. Secondly the contamination size also important because the larger that the area of the pollution the most it will cost to clean it. Finally water pollution have many type and sources so in consequences the more difficult to treat it the more money is need to be spend in

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