
Constitution Then And Now Essay

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“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” these wise words of President John F. Kennedy have proven to be true time and time again as we study the improvements that change has brought us throughout history.The Constitution of the United States was signed and adopted in the September of 1787, and throughout the past 228 years, the only changes it has gone through are 27 amendments!
Between then and now, we have acquired the ability to communicate with those across the world without leaving the room, we have gained access to insurmountable amount of informations, and we have even enabled ourselves to travel in space. The world has completely changed in the last two centuries, and our rules and laws must adapt in order to accommodate these changes if they are to keep up with us, and this includes the rules and laws of the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States must adjust certain decrees, such as the tenure of Supreme Court, the nature of presidential elections, and create a more representative Senate in order to correspond to the needs of the public.
The Supreme Court and its Judges have determined many of the most important decisions and cases throughout American history, which …show more content…

Encouraged by Alexander Hamilton, this was included originally because in the past, there were many times when a judge would rule in something that was not in either the kings or the public 's favor, with would often result in the judge being removed from office with no plausible reason. These type of proceedings would undoubtedly sway many judges opinions and rulings, and so the rule was included in order to prevent

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