
Constitutional Convention Issues

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From the constitutional convention to issues with North Korea, the American Federal Government has always faced issues. In this paper I will be discussing the Specific issues surrounding the Constitutional Convention and five major issues we are facing today. One of the biggest issues faced during the Constitutional Convention was the current form of government, the Articles of Confederation, and representation in congress. To help solve the Articles of Confederation issue, James Madison proposed the Virginia Plan. Also known as the Large State Plan, the Virginia Plan divided up the powers of the federal government into three branches; a legislative branch that would make the law, an executive branch that would enforce the laws made and a judicial branch that would interpret the laws. This plan also included a chief executive to lead serving terms selected by the legislature, and made voting based on population. On the other side of things, William Patterson authored the New Jersey Plan, also known as the Small State Plan, where there would be a single house legislature having …show more content…

The use of fossil fuels is destroying our ecosystem, hurting the ozone layer allowing more sunlight and UV rays to come in. The average American is to blame for this reason. We are lazy and rely on cars and transportation of any kind to get around. The first step we need to take into solving this problem is increase the budget for studying global warming. Sitting around ignoring the problem won’t solve anything. Once we get a better understanding of global warming we need to diminish the use of fossil fuels. Cars need to be electrical or we need to invent a new way to use other materials as fuel such as natural gas. In doing this America could make profit. If we invent a greener, more earth friendly car, we can build factories and produce those cars here in America which would open up newer jobs and be another subsequent income of money for our

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