Project Team Effectiveness

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2.6.3. Contractors competency
Construction projects and their success are highly dependent on contractors (Banki et al., 2009). Appointment of the right contractor will not only ensure the overall quality of the project but also offer the opportunity of saving on costs (Yaweli et al., 2005). When the main contractors start their main duties, it impacts upon a project's success when the project reaches the construction or execution stage. During this lifecycle, the actual work of the project is accomplished.
Over the past few decades, numerous studies have highlighted success criteria and CSFs of contractors. These studies have been expanded by both the industrial and academic worlds.
Research results of Belout and Gauvreau (2004) indicate …show more content…

Project team effectiveness
Human factor is another aspect important to determine the outcome of a project. According to Takim et al. (2003), the quality of a project depends to a large extent on the skills and experience of project team leaders; managerial system (decision-making, choosing the correct strategy, setting-up specific objectives, selecting people, delegating responsibilities, and evaluating results); and the procedures adopted during the construction process.
Team effectiveness refers to the extent to which a team has been successful in meeting the objectives of their project.Project Team Effectivenessis defined as the project manager or leader’s perception on team members’ performance in task completion, goal achievement, empowerment, information sharing and team’s ability to create and sustain a good working environment (Bourgault et al., 2008)..
Today many organizations are using project teams to research, develop, deliver products and services or resolve problems especially on complex tasks. This is because project performance through team is more effective than individual performance as the team outcomes exceed the sum of individual …show more content…

Stakeholder’s participation
Stakeholders are those with a particularly significant interest in the project’s outcome, including those providing funding or right of way for the project and property owners who are affected by the project. Or it is an individual, group, or organization who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project. Stakeholders are unique for each project.
According to the MOFED (2008) Stakeholdersshould not be considered simply as recipients of monitoring and evaluation reports. Rather, they have the right and responsibilities to know what is happening in the project, which aspect needs corrective action, what the results are, and which lessons can be learned and shared with one another.

2.6.6.Risk Management
Project Managers do implement higher level uncertainty and risk management approaches and processes on projects they perceive as more complex than on projects that they perceive as less complex. Most Project Managers, on projects they perceive to have high levels of complexity, implement uncertainty and risk management approaches and processes at lower then ‘optimal’ levels of general prescribed industry risk management standards((Taylor,

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