Conversational Analysis

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The concepts that are used in this study are based on the concepts of conversation and language. Those concepts are divided into three, the definition of language functions, conversation and conversational analysis. Those concepts are described as follow:

2.2.1 Concept of Language Function
English function generally is a communicative means. In simple sense, the word function in English is not more than how the way of people in used their English in daily life According to Halliday (1985:15).
In Jacobson book entitled Function of language, he state a language is closely bound up with our everyday experience that we seldom stop to think of the roles at pays, and became common place to quote this in support of the view that conscious thought …show more content…

2.2.3 Concept of Conversational Analysis Schiffrin illustrates conversational analysis as interactional sociolinguistics in its concern with the problem of social order, and how languages both creates and is created by social context Schiffrin (1994: 233).
According to Levinson (1983:286), conversational analysis is sometimes regarded as distinct from discourse analysis which is a branch of study which sets out to discover what order there might be in this apparent chaos.
2.2.4 The Concept of Cohesion
Halliday and Hassan in their book entitled cohesion in English according to them the concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to the relation of meaning that exists within the text, and defines it as a text (Halliday and Hassan, …show more content…

2.3.2 Language Functions According to Leo Jones
According to Jones (1981) language function is what we trying with our English such as describing something, persuading someone, and giving opinion. In this case, it deals with the situation to whom we speak, the setting, and the topic is. Here are some functions proposed by Jones (1981):

a) Opening (Greetings) Greetings have the function to open a conversation with another person, to recognize his or her existence, and show friendliness. People say “Good morning” even it is a miserable day and may reply to “How are you?” with “Fine, thanks,” even if they aren’t feeling well. The greeting is always returned, often in the same form but with different stress. A: How are you? B: Fine, thanks. How are you? Or A: How are you? B: Fine, thanks, and you? A: Fine. (Thanks)

b) Getting

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