Media Influence In Cosmetic Surgery

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1.1 Background of Study
Is the television programmes that we watch exerting some kind of influence? Is it just one of many influences? Or is it a mere reflection of the society we live in? The influence of media has been studied over and over, producing results that reflect differences in behavior in individuals, in whole societies, and in whole countries (Danielle, 2010).
Nowadays, people live in the world that highly exposed to media but whether a people’s decision will be affected by media or not is still undefined. Scholars have put forth many views on media impact (Danielle, 2010).
Some research shows that, women who are heavy viewers of thin-ideal media may develop the attitude that thinness is socially desirable, …show more content…

Heavy Viewers Light Viewers
Yes No Yes No
Number % Number % Number % Number %
116 60.4 76 39.6 91 47.6 100 52.4
Table 4.5: Result of the programme motivated them to go for a cosmetic surgery amongst the heavy and light television viewer’s respondents.

Table 4.5 shows that the programme motivated 60.4% (N=116) of heavy viewers from the respondents to go for a cosmetic surgery. There are 39.6% (N=76) of them do not motivated by the programme. The percentage of 47.6 (N=91) light viewers said that they were motivated after watching the programme. Out of 191 light viewers, 52.4% (N=100) were not motivated.

Statement 6: The programme inspired me to go for a cosmetic surgery.
Heavy Viewers Light Viewers
Yes No Yes No
Number % Number % Number % Number %
113 58.8 79 41.2 88 46 103 54
Table 4.6: Result of the programme inspired them to go for a cosmetic surgery amongst the heavy and light television viewer’s respondents
According the table 4.6, out of 192 heavy viewers, 113 respondents were inspired by the programme, which is 58.8% and 79 respondents were not inspired by the programme to undergo cosmetic surgery, which is 41.2%. Furthermore, there were 46% (N=88) of light viewer’s respondents were inspired after watching the programme and the rest of 54% (N=103) said that the programme were not …show more content…

In this study, the cultivation theory help us to further understanding on the impact of media. This study has provided the empirical results to add to the knowledge on how is the media impact, whether it is powerful or less effective on influence the public. Especially for the media field, they can have a better understanding about their own potential on affecting receivers.
The results of this study shows that there is impact on both heavy and light television viewers on intention of undergoing cosmetic surgery after watching the Korean drama which broadcast on television. Throughout this study, result has shown that most of the heavy and light television viewers has had the intention to undergo cosmetic surgery after watching the programme. It proved that media have power on shaping receivers’ behavior, opinion, and intention (Gerbner,

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