Cosmetic Surgery Risks

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Teenagers and the risks of cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic Surgery, once exclusive to older age groups, is now a trendy option for adolescents as they tend to believe it can improve their physical and facial imperfections and perhaps even bolster their self-esteem. However, there are risks and mental misconceptions that cosmetic surgery brings about which teenagers often tend to overlook thus developing the notion that teenagers’ indulgence in cosmetic surgery would adversely affect their ongoing physical and psychological development due to their lack of awareness of the associated risks.

Adolescents that decide to go through with cosmetic surgery are increasing their own likelihood of being affected by the risks caused by the side effects. According to a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2013, it illustrates that 63,623 cosmetic surgical procedures were performed on ages as low as 13 years of age going up to the age of 19. This study indicates that the age group starts at the tender age of 13 years old, …show more content…

Moreover, with feeling more comfortable in their own skin, their outlook on life is bound to change for the better as well. However, even if plastic surgeons are able to deliver a remarkable look, it does not fix who they are on the inside. Plastic surgery is a life-changing experience and there is more to a person’s physical beauty. Surgery doesn’t necessarily improve self-esteem as it may not resolve their underlying social or confidence issues and adolescents need to pay more emphasis on other factors that can also bolster their self-esteem (Milner and Gubbins, 2014). Teenagers need to realize the fact that their physical attributes are not the only factors that can augment their self-esteem and

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