
Creative Writing: The First Vietnam War

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"Lieutenant!"Michael yells. I run over to him to see Nolan covered in blood on the ground. "He's hit in the chest sir. It's pretty bad, he needs medical treatment from a hospital." He yells over the gunfire. "Take him to the medic. Arianna is over there." I yell pointing at a clearing with fortifications set up. "Isaiah come with me." I yell. He runs over to me. "What's the plan sir." He asks me with confidence. "We are going to flank their machine guin and wipe it out." I say looking at the major task ahead of us.

I run around men dodging bullets as I go. I fire three round bursts at the Americans. "GRENADE!" A American yells as it lands in between me and him. I jump and look over my shoulder and see a explosion. I am blown off my …show more content…

I walk to the soldier who killed Isaiah. His head is ripped to peices. "Mozhet umeret' America!" (May America die) I mutter as I spit on him. I move to the machine gunner and see alot of men dead in front of him. My men dead in front of him. I kick him away from his gun. We took the hill but at a cost. But now the invasion of D.C. can begin. I jog to the flagpole and replace the stars and stripes with the Russian flag. Maybe this war will end soon. "Rossiya vyigrala! Rossiya vyigrala!" (Russia has won! Russia has won!) I chant my men joining …show more content…

"MEDIC!" He yells. "Michael." I say. "MEDIC!" He yells again. "Michael. Michael. Listen take care of the men. Keep them safe. Tell my daughter I'm sorry I didn't make it home." I rasp before I die. Yet I am still there laying on the ground. A medic runs over, and gets down. He puts two fingers on my throat checking for a pulse. After a minute he shakes his head. "Stop help me up!" I yell. I am suddenly scared of being baried alive. I look behind Michael and see Nolan. He glares at me with cold eyes. He walks over to me and helps me up. "Why can't they hear me." I ask. He looks away but stays silent. "Why!" I yell at him. He looks back at me. "We are dead." He

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