Nature Of Creativity Essay

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Nature and Characteristics of Creativity
Creativity is a unique and novel personal experience, and on the basis of the experiences and findings of the various scholars, it may be said to possess the following characteristics.

Every one of us possesses and is capable of demonstrating creativity to some degree. Creativity is not confined to any individual, group of individuals, caste, colour or creed. It is universal and is not bound by the barriers of age, location or culture. Creativity denotes the ability of a person to produce something new or novel, but this novelty or newness does not necessarily imply the production of a totally new idea or object which has never been experienced or has never existed before. Creativity is a departure from the stereotyped, rigid …show more content…

Creativity is not confined to any individual, group of individuals, caste, colour or creed. It is universal and is not bound by the barriers of age, location or culture. Creativity denotes the ability of a person to produce something new or novel, but this novelty or newness does not necessarily imply the production of a totally new idea or object which has never been experienced or has never existed before. Creativity is a departure from the stereotyped, rigid and closed thinking

Meaning of creativity
As Cropley (1992) revealed, there is considerable confusion about the nature of creativity and there are at least two major ways in which the term is used. On the one hand, it refers to a special kind of thinking and on the other hand, creativity is used to refer to the generation of products that are perceived to be creative, such as works of arts, architecture or music. In terms of these creativity adopts the stance that it is the capacity to get ideas, especially original, inventive and novel.

The terms 'creativity' and 'creative process' have been defined in many ways. Some of the definitions are as

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