Elements Of Criminal Law

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What is criminal law ?
Criminal law examining crime and concept of punishment is the branch of law that contains all the legal norms defining crimes against the law prohibited by criminal sanctions. Criminal law involves a system of legal rules that keep the public safe and deter wrongful conduct. And our criminal code first article about these opinions.
History of criminal law.
The first criminal law was produced by Sumerian people who were in today’s Iraq .This criminal code designed in the 2100-2050 BC and named Ur-Nammu .Another example for earliest criminal law is Laws of Hammurabi that formed the core of Babylonian law .Also , Solon and Dragon are known old laws in the ancient Greek. In addition ,The Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan …show more content…

Legal elements of the crime exactly held in a de facto definition of criminal law which must be convenient processed. These elements are given in the typicality name. For example, for the realization of the perpetrators of the crime of theft "she moved to another without the consent of the possessor of the property, providing a benefit of oneself or others in order to get from where" you need. If one of these elements is defined in the Act, if the consent of the possessor received the goods, for example, the legal elements of the crime of theft doesn’t occur .The offender should be committed any act for the crime to occur in the physical elements . Intent of the act is to reveal to the outside world with a business that changes a man's own will. For example the movement of epilepsy carried the unconscious does not carry the verb element. Acts perpetrated in conflict with the rule of law elements of unlawfulness is completed. In principle an act is contrary to law, performing legal aspects. However, bringing a number of exceptions to the unlawfulness of the criminal law, the legal aspects of certain acts has been completed will be determined in accordance with the law. The last element that performs the criminal legal typicality knowing the act attributed to a person who has talent and is contrary to existing law made willingly. This element also is reflected in the elements constituting the crime of perfect principle of crime and punishment is not one of the universal principles of criminal law .Even if all the elements of a cause any action mentioned above, excludes a person's caste or spiritual aspects of a person due to lack of action in punishment. Punishment prescribed for the crimes is a result of a crime committed outside

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