Forgiving In Scriptures

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And forgive us our trespasses (debts), as we forgive (our debtors) those who sin against us. -Matthew 6:12

Overlooking a transgression is to look beyond the transgression whether big or small, but to be frank with you it is not all that easy.
When it concerns others and we are asking them to forgive the wrong done to them, we try to appeal to them with Scriptures, convicting and convincing them to consider the effects of unforgiving, if they choose not to forgive. But when the ball is on side, we calculate and reason all tangible arguments and choose not to forgive them.

Well, it is always easier said than done, sometimes we think it’s easier to tell somebody to forgive his offender just like that, because …show more content…

Throughout Scriptures this has been commanded and to be practiced.

Let go of hurts, abandon grudges and forgive others, forgive like God forgave you and not like how man never forgets and forgives. Let’s see how God forgives.

Forgiving like God -The Prodigal son - Luke15:18-20.

The parable of the Prodigal son is well known among Christians. A man has 2 sons, the younger son, came to the father and put a request before him.
He wants his portion of the father’s possession that falls to him, when the father dies. The father granted him the request, illustrating that God sometimes permits us to go our own way.

Henri Nouwen wrote in his book –“The Return of the Prodigal Son’’ that the younger son’s manner of leaving is tantamount to wishing his father dead.
The story is unheard -of-event, it’s hurtful, offensive, and in radical contradiction to the most venerated tradition of the time. For over 15 years I have been asking people of all walks of life, about the implications of a son’s request for his inheritance while the father is still living.
The conversation runs as follows.
Could anyone ever make such a request?

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