Gender Differences In Gender Language Essay

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In order to study whether gender language exists or not, I was asked to read an article then make a critical analysis of it. This critical paper is going to analyze a research article called WHERE IS THE GENDER IN GENDERED LANGUAGE? which written by Rob Thomson, Tamar Murachaver, and James Green. The topic of this research article is whether gender will change the way that people speak, and the article makes two surveys and come to different results. The author finds that the speakers’ gender label is not the decisive factor in his way of speaking, the skills and way they use are depending on the object of conversation and the environment at that time.

In the previous study about gender differences in language use has shown different gender will emerge diverse characteristics in using language. However, the previous methods often overlook the linguistic dynamic, that is, different contexts of human language will change at any time, so the question of this research article is to figure out whether gender differences will lead to different behavior in different situation.
Then, taking into account the contrast of the experiment, this article provides two ways of research. The first is the difference between the sample source …show more content…

In addition, with the research scope of email has significant limitations for personal judgment of language system, it is difficult to judge one 's gender from formal tone of voice, diction, and the written frame in the email. Likewise, personal emotion also can make the language used differently, so that we cannot tell the difference between the objects of conversation neither be able to tell that the object can determine the language style we

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