Who Is The Antagonist In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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compares Kesey's writing to others and depicts individual freedoms that Kesey's characters give up. Quinn, Laura. "Moby Dick vs. Big Nurse: A Feminist Defense of a Misogynist Text: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Novels for Students, vol. 2, Gale, 1998. Literature Resource Center. Accessed 7 Dec. 2017. Laura Quinn gives the reader a deeper understanding of Nurse Ratched's role in in the novel. Quinn gives a brief summary of how One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest related to society at the time. During the 60s America is recovering from a recent war, and most teenagers used this war to voice their opinions to create a change in America. Laura gives a summary of how Chief Bromden, Randle McMurphy, and Nurse Ratched alter the book's plot. Mrs.Quinn …show more content…

64, Gale, 1991. Literary Sources, Accessed 8 Nov. 2017. William Baurecht is able to show how Chief Bromden's schizophrenic episode altered the story’s plot. Baurchet first illustrates how Bromden and McMurphy’s relationship has a direct connection to the American culture. William explains how the two men represent true love even though it was a difficult topic to discuss at the time. Baurchet goes on explaining how Bromden was a victim of racism and how it portrays American culture in the 1960s. Throughout the book Kesey demonstrates a connection on how McMurphy is the messiah sent to save the men of the ward and give them their freedom. This freedom was tested multiple times but later failed due to the constant bully of Nurse Ratched which led to two suicides, Billy Babbitt and Cheswick. The motif of freedom has an affect on all the men in the ward. McMurphy loses sense of the possible freedom when he attacks Ratched after the death of Billy and the eventual escape of Chief Bromden. Chief Bromden's perspective in the novel gives a more complex plot line of the book due to his schizophrenia. Schizophrenia throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is used to create a story through the eyes of a patient in the ward. Kesey explains how Bromden wasn’t a personal creation but a spirit of the Indian in the American culture. This article will help out remarkably due to the fact that William is able to …show more content…

2017. John Zubizarreta demonstrates the difference in point of views in the movie vs the book of, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. Zubizarreta shows how in the novel the 3rd person Point of view through Chief Bromden creates a sadistic tone throughout the book. In the movie, the audience watched the movie in first person showing all the characters and giving a less complex plot structure. John gives a brief summary of the book and how Randle McMurphy's actions effected Chief Bromden's personality, giving him more courage and a reason to speak up for himself. Chief Bromden depicts McMurphy as a loud mouthed, cocky con-man. Chief says that you can hear McMurphy from down the hall, he describes him as the perfect match to go up against Nurse Ratched. Mr. —Zubizarreta then compares McMurphy to the character of the movie, The Goonies and in we crave for their success and want to see them win at the end. This article shows great detail about how the matchup between Nurse Ratched and McMurphy affected the rest of the characters. I will use this throughout the research