Roger's Theory Of Creative Thinking Definition

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1. Definition of Creative thinking We often hear about the concept of “creativity” in our daily life. We heard of creative jobs, creative people or creative subjects such as art work, but it is the need to clarify about the nature of creativity, for example what actually lead to those results. Although many research have been done to prove that creative thinking is the origin of creativity, there is still much confusion about it. According to the most basic definition in dictionary, creative thinking refers to “a way of looking at problems or situations from a new perspective that suggests innovative solutions”. Being more academically, one can define creative thinking as a chain of activities which starts with reanalyzing and redesigning …show more content…

Sometimes, it does not have to be obtaining new look of a subject. Explained by Kelly (1955) and Rogers (1954), creativity is when we are able to restructure our thoughts and make different and even better understanding of the subject. There have been yet many definitions of “creative thinking”, however, most of them tend to agree on the idea that creativity relates to one’s ability to find out new and different perspective of a certain subject. As far as we know, in modern world of business, leadership have to face with numbers of pressure and critical problems which ask managers and executives to make snap and wise decisions. Leaders have to be responsible to stakeholders from both internal and external of the organization. For internal environment, leaders have to deal with operation of the company’s business as well as to motivate the relationship among employees, pushing them to the targeted goal. For external environment, …show more content…

HR Departments of big companies have already been researching and applying creative training in their HR process over the past decades to help their employees cope with changes at work. Business problem arising would bring about various solutions, and in general requires more creative thinking to satisfy the situation. By thinking in the traditional way, which we can only extent the knowledge that already known rather than distribute truly new creative one. Globalization and modernization are, at no doubt, the indispensable trend of world economy. Business organization can no longer solve things by the same methods as they did in the old days because it is now the environment that experiences rapid cultural, economic and technological change. Changes can even occur after one night (for example, the stock market or export-import business). Therefore, it needs to be fully aware of and responded to at a high sensitivity by the organization so that they can prevent as many risks as possible, finding their chances to not just survive but to get advanced. Clearly, creative thinking is becoming more and more important in business administration, and will soon replaces the traditional way of thinking. Because unlike the old style, creative thinking “does not reply on past experience or known facts” and, consequently, has no limitation

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