Critical Values

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On the basis of Critical Ratio values which are found to be significant at 0.05 level it can be concluded that out of all the three variables, Teaching Experience and Type of Management have a significant influence in the development of moral values with respect to the area Culture as assessed by the teachers.
• A high percentage (90-98) of teachers had favourably agreed upon the positive influence of curriculum, co-curricular activities, religion, classroom activities and culture in the development of moral values among high school students.
• Based on the variables considered for the study, male teachers, teachers above 5 years of experience and Government teachers comparatively had favourable opinion regarding the positive …show more content…

Female teachers, teachers below 5 years of experience and private school teachers play a comparatively major role in developing values through curriculum.
• Pertaining to the area religion,there is a significant difference in the opinions of the teachers with respect to gender, teaching experience and type of management. Male teachers, teachers below 5 years of experience and Government teachers play a comparatively major role in developing values through religion.
• Pertaining to the area classroom activities,there is a significant difference in the opinions of the teachers with respect to gender, teaching experience and type of management. Women teachers, teachers below 5 years of experience and private teachers play a comparatively major role in developing values through classroom activities.
• Pertaining to the area culture,there is a significant difference in the opinions of the teachers with respect to teaching experience and type of management. Teachers below 5 years of experience and Government school teachers play a comparatively major role in developing values through …show more content…

The present study helps to understand the importance of development of moral values among high school children like fellow–feeling and brotherhood among themselves; proper sense of responsibility and truthfulness; attitudes towards self-introspection and understanding of their conscious self and unity of mankind in general.
2. Development of values in the prospective citizenry is essential for the prosperity of our nation and it is only teachers that can act as a powerful instrument for the realization of these national goals. The study is an eye opener to teachers working in both private and government schools to pay more emphasis on the issue of moral development.
3. Development of values is a biggest concern in the present education system. The present study throws light on further commitment expected from the part of teachers irrespective of their Gender, Teaching Experience and Type of Management.
4. Teachers should shoulder the responsibility to cultivate values among students, especially adolescents. Teachers should find different ways and means to inculcate moral values by way of conductingrelated activities inside the classroom, inside and outside school.
5. Lecturing is not recommended. Instead, periodical discussing and oral recording of views of the students,creating of suitable situations in daily life is

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