Self-Empowerment By Bharati Mukherjee Analysis

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Bharati Mukherjee, the eminent Indo-American writer deals with the problems of women immigrants who struggle to make their own identity and an autonomous life in America. Bharati Mukherjee differs from other writers in the sense that her basic concern is for the cross cultural conflicts faced by the Indian women immigrants. All her novels represent the contemporary women's fight to make her own identity, freedom and life in the patriarchal society. She writes deeply about the cross- ,cultural conflicts, the disputes, dilemma, confusion ,isolation and the tension these women face in the foreign country. They become neither real Americans nor real Indian .In between this they try to imitate the Western culture, but cannot totally withdraw from the inborn habits. The family or the society becomes a threat for them. Still they fight boldly to achieve their rights. A new picture of modern, educated, post-independence, Indian women. Her characters are bold and determined, ready to face the bitter realities of life .Whether in America or in India women have stereotyped roles to play. Man becomes the decision maker of her and the fact is again proved that the destiny of a girl depends on whom she should marry .Unlike the traditional women who only know to cry, …show more content…

Bharati Mukherjee’s women characters never live or cry like the stereotyped pathetic women characters commonly see in traditional stories. She questions the notion of society where people believe the American life is a dream of the fulfillment of all ambitions and they all live in a heaven like life with money and all luxury

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