Cults In Macedonia Case Study

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Chapter 4: DION Since we are examining Cults in Macedonia I could not think of a more appropriate site to start the journey of the Egyptian gods than the site of Dion, the ancient venerable city of Macedonians. Dion, used to be 7 stades off the shores of the Thermaic Gulf. It w1as inhabited from the Classical up to the Paleo-Christian times. The first Roman colonists settled at Dion in 43 BC but the massive implant of Italians was made by Augustus after his victory at Actium in 31 BC. Dion was deserted in the 5th century AD due to natural disasters. Archeological evidence The excavations that started in 1928 continue to the present day by the University of Thessaloniki and brought to life a fortified city surrounded by places of worship …show more content…

It was east of the Sanctuary of Demeter and it was dedicated to the cult of Sarapis, Isis, Anubis and Harpocrates from the Hellenistic period until the end of Roman period . The floors of the buildings were almost 2 metres underwater. The sanctuary was built in the times of Severi -that is in the 2nd and 3rd century AD-, and “it consisted of four temples set side by side on the west side of a square, unroofed area enclosed by ancillary buildings.” In the middle of the building complex is situated the altar. Right to the west is found the main temple with Ionic quadriporticus. The cella must have been destroyed when a canal was opened in 1952. South of the main temple a small temple with three niches was discovered. In the large niche the cult statue of the goddess was found. She was wearing a chiton and a himation and bearing in the left hand a cornucopia. “Above: Aerial photo of the Sanctuary of Isis at Dion” The largest temple , was dedicated to Isis Lochia, it had a pronaos and a cella and it was erected on a high podium with monumental staircase. Aerial photo of the Sanctuary of Isis at Dion just before the excavation of 1989”. “A view of the Sanctuary. The staircase is

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