Cultural Change In Cultural Translation

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paradigm. Boundaries are disappearing and distinctions are being lost. The sharp outlines that were once distinctive now fade and become blurred. As translators we are faced with an alien culture that requires that its message be conveyed in anything but an alien way. That culture expresses its idiosyncrasies in a way that is 'culture-bound ': cultural words, proverbs and of course idiomatic expressions, whose origin and use are intrinsically and uniquely bound to the culture concerned. So we are called upon to do a cross-cultural translation whose success will depend on our understanding of the culture we are working with. Nida 'sdefinitions of formal and dynamic equivalence in 1964 considers cultural implications for translation. …show more content…

It can be said that the first concept in cultural translation studies was cultural turn that in 1978 was presaged by the work on Polysystems and translation norms by Even-Zohar and in 1980 by Toury. They dismiss the linguistic kinds of theories of translation and refer to them as having moved from word to text as a unit but not beyond. They themselves go beyond language and focus on the interaction between translation and culture, on the way culture impacts and constraints translation and on the larger issues of context, history and convention. Therefore, the move from translation as a text to translation as culture and politics is what they call it a Cultural Turn in translation studies and became the ground for a metaphor adopted by Bassnett and Lefevere in 1990. In fact Cultural Turn is the metaphor adopted by Cultural Studies oriented translation theories to refer to the analysis of translation in its cultural, political, and ideological …show more content…

Khazaeifar(1384) believes that concept of literary translation can be defined according to two principles . These two principles are derived from the concept of literary translation. According to the first principle, the translation must be faithful to the original as possible. In second principle, translation should be a literary work with the target language standards. The importance of this definition is evident when we compare it with the commonly used definition of literary translation. In history of translation literary translation is defined on the basis of considerations that are based on the individual and prescriptive consideration. These considerations include cultural considerations, language considerations, ethical and aesthetic

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