Cultural Differences Between Culture And Culture In Different Cultures

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Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, described by everything from language, religion, cuisine, art, social habits, music and so on. Cultural differences effect on negotiation styles and these differences can cause problems in negotiations. We should know that some of the tactics and behaviors are specific to our country or culture, but the strange for the other nationalities. That is why, If we do not want to find ourselves in an awkward situation during the negotiation it is important to perform such negotiations with a certain amount of knowledge and preparation beforehand.
The first obvious barrier in negotiation between the different nationalities could be a language. Even English language which is mostly used in negotiation is spoken and interpreted differently by the non-native speakers. Indeed, native speakers from England, Australia, and the United States can also have a trouble understanding one another. To avoid the misunderstanding during the negotiation it is important not to use the informal words or phrases, which are typical for the native people. For instance: the word- Ride, that means a roll in …show more content…

The knowledge in negotiation skill could help us to achieve the goals and have a good impression on people. It will be helpful if we do a little research about our party’s culture before the meeting. We can use the various sources, such as internet, books, magazines, articles, or someone from the similar culture who can give us advice. During the negotiation process to show the respect and better understand each other speak slowly and clear, try to show that you are interested in and listening by asking

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