Cultural Differences In The Western And Western Culture

732 Words3 Pages

It is a fact that the world is connected, and it is very difficult for a region or country not to be in contact with others because of the phenomenon of globalization. There is an exchange of products, ideologies, and services between from the West to the East. Thus, most cultures are meeting at a certain point promoting interaction with each other, so several similarities between cultures are perceived presenting that we all are human beings no matter where we live. However, it is essential to recognize and embrace the differences that make us unique. Family, religion, and food are three aspects in which Western and Eastern cultures present differences.
The first aspect is that the perceptions about family are different in Western and Eastern cultures. For instance, in the Western culture, when people turn 18 years old, it is common for them to become independent from their parents and move out if they are economically sufficient. On the other hand, in Eastern cultures, people move out when they get married (WrongPlanet, 2016). Another element related to family is marriage. In Western cultures, people get married because they love their significant other and they want to spend the rest of their lives together; however, in Eastern cultures, many people get married to have children even though there is not love, and they seem to be satisfied with that reason (Wa-pedia, 2003). An additional difference between Western and Eastern families is elder care. While in the Western is

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