Cultural Differences In Business Communication

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A culture is a set of value and norms among a certain group of people, and takes them together to constitute the way these people live. In different countries of the world, culture is usually different and there are various known determinants of culture. These differences in culture prove to be difficulties in business communication. Factors such as social culture, customs, Etiquette, Language, Religion, Education and Food play a major role in business communication and help to analyze and understand the global knowledge about the country. It is very important to understand these various cultures when participating in global business-related activities. Social culture: Social Culture changes the definition of “business.” Although cross-cultural companies who do business together usually have similar goals but the steps or path of achieving those goals can be different from one another because of different culture. The Norwegian society is transparent, well organized and …show more content…

This includes basic customs, mannerisms and gestures. For example: Work and leisure is kept strictly apart. They are generally modest and easy-going, and do not adhere to strict codes of politeness. Another example is Norwegians business people tend to travel extensively so meeting should be schedule well in advance. Etiquette: when any country introduced to another business professional in Norway, the Norwegian may be reserved among strangers but they are also warm and friendly once a relationship has been established and anyone should not ask about personal issues unless one is well acquainted with a person. Respect for each individual's dignity is expected. Being aware of another culture’s etiquette is very important because making a little mistake with even a small gesture can offend someone. It will create problem to deal with any business

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