Multiculturalism In Turkey

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Currently, approximately 30 percent of the Turkish residents in the Netherlands have acquired Dutch citizenship. However, even they are not too keen on becoming Dutch. Although most immigrants would never return home, “the "homeland myth" is generally perpetuated in a community where the majority regularly takes vacations in Turkey rather than anywhere else”. Due to the multicultural list trends and corresponding state policies, Turkish people in the Netherlands demonstrate a persistent tendency toward retention of their cultural identities, which distinguish them from minorities in many other European countries. The consequences of this situation are rather controversial. On the one hand, the perseverance of the Turkish identity among even …show more content…

The choice of these specific countries was motivated by the distinct approaches to the immigrant integration over the past decades, with the Netherlands adhering to multicultural values and policies and providing "easy access to individual rights combined with a relatively high degree of accommodation of cultural difference". The comparativist approach allows suggesting with a degree of certainty that multiculturalism plays a significant role in the ways Turkish immigrants navigate and balance the cultures of their host and origin countries. The authors of the research claim that "the ethnic retention is strongest in the Netherlands, where multicultural policies were long prevalent, while host culture adoption is strongest in the French context, which has more strongly emphasized assimilation, at least where participation in the public realm is concerned". This conclusion is not incontestable, however. Certain research on the Dutch immigration policies, in general, points out that "the Netherlands never pushed through fully fledged multicultural policies promoting diverse religious and cultural values". The Dutch multiculturalism therefore might be just relative one in

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