Cultural Message In Museum

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In the meaning construction process, exhibits are selected, and displayed according to a certain ideologies(1). The museums context including architecture design, galleries layout, and the museum content including displayed exhibits, and theme are working together to provide visitors lifelong learning opportunity. Consequently, cultural messages are those which produce structured cultural ethical, aesthetic, and political information.
3.3.1. Cultural Message Information
Information is the fundamental element of knowledge. It is realized as a result of communication processes between individuals, and the surrounding world. The documented information is inherent in human knowledge. It represents both the observed characteristics of the object, in addition to its interpretation.
In the world of museum, and in museological processes, the museum cultural message is a materialized form of the museum content. Information is the product of the message that is experienced through the museum visit. Information is extracted, and received from several forms of communication take place between the museum visitors’, who are participating in the communication process, and the objects. In addition, various messages are received through different …show more content…

Different social objects are represent from various historical times together in the museum spaces. Museum objects are representing the movable heritage with different characteristics. Objects are carrying their symbolic values, and meanings in their material structure. Accordingly, when it is exhibited within a context, it documents a certain reality, and presents its own history. In the process of meaning making of the museum objects, the main factors to be considered are the relation between those objects, and the space they are exhibited in, in addition to the collective visitors'

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