Effects Of CRM Strategy To Competitive Advantage

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1.0 Introduction In the advanced century, all companies or coporations are trying the best to provide a good performance, outstand their brand and stand on the top in the industry. Because of the strong competition in the industry, all companies are also trying to achieve competitive advantage by producing and distributing the products or services that are more better than other competitors in order to survive in the industry. Variety of strategies and tools are implemented to produce the superior products and services and outstand the uniqueness of the products and services, such as information technology, systematic management, high skilled man power, strong financial source and more. Customer relationship management (CRM) is also the main …show more content…

The findings of this article highlight the effects of CRM on competitive advantage and the components of CRM strategies. The findings were synthesized and summarized from few previous researches’ results which studied the topic of CRM.
There are few components of CRM such as the components of attracting and protecting customers being faithful, improving and specializing the relations with the customers, complaint investigation, perception and customers’ separation, emphasis on quality, invest in internal people, measure customer satisfaction but manage customer service, and relationship-based interfaces (Mehrdad & Hallaj, 2011; Aihie & Az-Eddine, 2007; Rajab et al., 2014). Complaint investigation with the rank mean of 3.35 was ranking as the most important component of CRM then followed by making the loyalty, customization, perception and customers’ separation (Mehrdad & Hallaj, 2011). Complaint resolution, feedback, guarantee, and corrective action were also perceived as important components of CRM (S., 2013, P.138). Complaint investigation is perceived as component of CRM as the goal of CRM as Customer Contact Management is achieved by the contact center’s handling of service and complaint management process (Malte, Annette, Lutz, & Walter, 2005). Moreover, understanding the customer’s needs was also perceived as component of CRM strategy which was used to increase customer loyalty and then achieve competitive advantage. The goal of CRM as Customer Satisfaction Management was achieved by carrying out the application of a customer typology to facilitate the precise addressing of customer needs and increase customer satisfaction (Malte et al.,

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