Huawei Organizational Culture Analysis

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The graph depicts the results when each factor is analyzed according to three specific departments. Organizational culture tends to be relatively more important for employees in customer services department as the mean values lies between the range of 1-to 2. Employees in this department are usually involved in daily routine, monotonous jobs and activities so comfortable work environment and supportive cultures aids in increasing their work productivity. Culture is relatively less important for marketing and sales in comparison to customer service but still a good working environment which is free of work politics tends to enhance creativity and innovation among employees which is a core function for the marketing and sales employees. Culture of an organization plays an important role for attracting and …show more content…

Between Groups 7.001 2 3.501 6.748 .002
Within Groups 60.699 117 .519
Total 67.700 119

Result of ANOVA is 0.002 which means that there is a significant difference among the mean responses of the employees at Huawei regarding this factor.
Following are the responses of employees in the different departments under study about the culture at Huawei and its different elements: Table 5.13: Responses of employees regarding culture at Huawei Mean
Marketing and sales 2.39
Customer services 2.17
IT 2.19

Above table shows the responses of the employees of the three departments under study. Huawei should take steps to satisfy all its employees in different department regarding its culture. 5.7.2 Open Communication:
Employees at Huawei in the three departments under study hold following opinion regarding the importance of open communication of an organization for them: Table 5.14: Opinion of employees about the importance of open communication
Department Mean
Marketing and Sales 1.56
Customer services 1.33

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