Customer Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction

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Customer service is probably the most valuable intangible product that a company may sell. It may create both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. It is a process whereby a service provider offers help to the customers who need it or it may as simple as a human assistance to the customers who are dealing with the company or organization. It is a tool that an organization may use to gain loyalty from the customers besides offering good tangible products. For example, customers may expect good service when buying new apparels, but this is unlikely to be the main factor in deciding whether to make a purchase. Factors like price, comfort, style and brand are likely to be more persuasive. However, a bad service can lead to dissatisfaction and discourage …show more content…

At this stage, the employees have to find ways to overcome their negative mood and slowly alter it into positive. This is because, when emotional labour and emotions that they project are not parallel, the long term inconsistencies may lead to decline in job performance and consequently resulting in lower job productivity and lower job satisfaction. Negative mood can adversely affect emotion. Employees who are not able to deal with mood swing for example, will get mad easily and react negatively towards difficult customers or they may simply irritate customers who deal with them. As mentioned previously, emotion and mood are contagious. Positive mood and emotion projected by an employee influence the customers’ mood and emotion in a positive way and vice versa. Positive mood and emotion lead to a cheerful environment and make the service experience an unforgettable one and thus, guarantee a repeat business. Either an employee react in positive or negative way, customers will recognise he or she and they may wish to stay with the business or they might take their business to a …show more content…

Managers could not expect them to always stay the same every single day since they are human being. They do have feelings. They want to feel appreciated and be recognised for the job done. Managers must play their role to keep the subordinates motivated. Motivation may come in any form, be it financial or non-financial which is simply motivating words from the superior. For example, a restaurant waiter need to be given feedback on how he or she has performed so that they will have a benchmark and if there is any room for improvement. Managerial support is crucial to ensure that the employees are happy and satisfied with their work and comfortable with their position while delivering service to customers. Managers or leaders in the organization must first are in good moods to make the other members of the organization more positive as things can be done successfully. A successful leader is the one who work with the employees instead of expecting employees to work for them in order to achieve the organizational goals. As aforementioned above, customer service is not a tangible product where it will be disposed when no longer in use. It is an intangible product provided to customers before, during and after purchasing and using goods and services. It cannot be stored as inventory, cannot be displayed physically and it is a continuous process. Thus, moods and emotions, be it positive

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