International Business Etiquette Reflection

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The 2 topics that I am using for my reflection are Customers’ Perception and International Business Etiquette.
Customers’ Perception is about how to make introduction to the other party, making a good and professional first impression to the other party as well as basic etiquettes that we need to take note of when meeting someone or interacting with someone through different communication platform like telephone or email.
Through Customers’ Perception lesson, I have learnt that our posture, facial expression as well as verbiage will affect how the other party will think differently of us. We should also take note of introducing people of higher rank first before gender in business, however, in other context, man will be introduced to lady and also young to old.
My strength for Customers’ Perception is making introduction to the other party. When making introduction of myself to my employer, I will introduce my name first and then something that is interesting that might …show more content…

We will be doing research and present on our findings on the unique business etiquette practices on the country that we have chosen.
After attending the symposium that my class and I had prepared, I found out that it is better to be more conservative in dress code wise, especially in country like Dubai and Japan, as there are very stringent about dress code. It is better to know some facts about the country where you are having business with or at, so that the other party knows that you have done some research not just about the business that you are going to have with them, but also aware of the surrounding, and you are also able to use the research that you did on the country to start of a general topic or small talk with the other

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