Cyber Physical Production Model

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CPPM: A logical architecture for Cyber-Physical Production Model
Eduardo Cardoso Moraes1, a *, Herman Augusto Lepikson2,b
1Federal Institute of Alagoas-IFAL, Federal University of Bahia - PEI/UFBA
Maceió, Alagoas,Brazil/Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
2 Federal University of Bahia-UFBA
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil;
Abstract. Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS) is not a mode anymore, it is changing the way industries and companies plan and model their businesses in a distributed, dynamical, service-oriented maneuver using virtualized resources that are scalable and accessed over the Internet. This change rises new challenges and opportunities for companies. In the last decade the industrial automation field had been introducing …show more content…

This work introduces a logical architecture for cyber-physical production model, intending to help organizations adopting cyberphysical based services.
Keywords: CPS, cyber-physical systems, industrial automation, industry 4.0
In the last decade the industrial automation field had been making important changes integrating
Internet and other emergent technologies, concepts, methods and tools, as cloud computing, agents and Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) approaches. These new approaches are resulting in the convergence of the physical world and the virtual world (cyberspace) in the form of Cyber-Physical
Systems(CPS). Industries are being forced to change and adapt their IT services through IT and automation enabled Services. This change will have implications for value creation, business models, downstream services and work organization, it is being called as a new industrial revolution, the industry 4.0[1]. Industry 4.0 will involve the technical integration of CPS into manufacturing and logistics and the use of the Internet of Things and Services in industrial processes.
The need for leverage the performance in the production industry is rising due many factors, …show more content…

Since last decade industries have been forced to improve their production processes to compete with low-cost competitors and higher quality. To meet this goal, many efforts are being tried to rapidly changing customer needs and creating more value for the customers, services-based processes or integrated product with the aim to provide a function instead of a product[3]. Integration of technologies, services and organizational areas has been a bid challenge for manufacturers[4].
The decision making process implies having tools to quickly analyze data from multiple sources in order to gather valuable information.
A good approach for meeting these goals is the service oriented approach. Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) is an approach originally from IT field and it tries to align the IT goals with

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