What Is Bi Big Data Analysis?

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The volume of data generated by different organisations has increased consistently in the past few years. Hence, it is necessary to analyse this voluminous data to produce profitable results. This paper presents a way of analysing merchant datasets using the confusion matrix concept to attain the maximum precision, recall and accuracy for the given merchants. Moreover, various python libraries have led to a better automation tool algorithm for analysis.

Data Analytics[1] is the science of examining the data contained in datasets and drawing out meaningful patterns and correlations with the help of various technologies and softwares. Big data analysis provides an organisation with efficient operations and higher profits. Figure 1 shows the advantages of big data analysis performed by an organisation. …show more content…

It is in the recent years that maximum amount of data is generated and the term “Big Data” has been coined for it. There are a lot of challenges like capturing data, curation, storage, searching, sharing, analysis and presentation, which are linked to big data but the organisations are finding different methods and tools to deal with these

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